City Officials Concerned About Water Pressure and Filling Tanks

SAN ANGELO, TX – City of San Angelo officials are very concerned about the lack of water pressure and filling the tanks to bring water to the upper plane and end the boil water notice.  

The ongoing water crisis that has left thousands without water with no end in sight.

Check out the highlights of the press conference below:

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Who gives a flying fat rats a$$ what the city leaders now want from us...... I've paid my city taxes, year after year, for 30+ years and there has never been a blooming thing done to keep constant upgrades made to this water system. Only when something completely fails and bandaids can no longer be placed on water lines, are there ever any replacements made, and only then it is just in the needed area of a repair that the upgrades are made. This is all finally catching up to the idiots that have been elected to run the city for all these years and now it's a blame game with them trying to place blame on the citizens who they say are causing the existing problems being experienced. I still pay my taxes plus I also pay an overwhelming high priced water bill each month to have my services and they can all kiss my a$$ if they think I'm going voluntarily place a hardship on myself by doing without for their benefits now. They are reaping what they have sewn and I will continue using what I pay for in any amount that I see fit to use or when and for what I want to use it for..........

MjNS, Sat, 02/20/2021 - 15:15

You, as usual are the rats' ass here. There are people with no water and you want to bitch about your rights. Would it kill everyone to get it together, conserve water and get those tanks filled? I for one am damned tired of boiling water. 

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