WATCH: Mustang Accelerator Malfunction Causes Crash at Dangerous Intersection


SAN ANGELO, TX – The driver of a convertible Ford Mustang was injured in a crash Friday afternoon after his accelerator stuck at the intersection of Southland and Sherwood Way.  

According to San Angelo Police Department Traffic Division investigating officer Welch, the gray Mustang was northbound on Southland and ran the red light crashing into a dark GMC Yukon. 

Watch video from the crash scene: 

The Yukon was westbound on Sherwood Way.  The driver of the Mustang told officer Welch that his accelerator stuck but there is no way to prove that.  

Officer Welch said the Mustang driver went by private vehicle to the hospital.  No citations were issued. 

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Stuck accelerator my hind end.  Subject was probably speeding to beat the light.

I call BS but I suppose it is possible that when someone is distracted playing with a phone or speeding trying to beat the light those accelerators get stuck. Reminds of the time I got stopped for speeding, I told the cop I need to use the restroom really bad, he said yeah I do to so I will write this ticket as fast as I can. I should have went for the stuck gas pedal it appears.

I was the guy driving the Mustang so let me respond to your comments:

1. I wasn't speeding at least not until the accelerator got stuck. I was just coming out of Sam's after getting gas and the light on Southland was already red, so I wasn't trying to beat the light, if fact I was slowing to make a right turn onto Howard and I tried to apply the brake to come to a stop so I could make a right turn onto Howard so I could go home. As soon as I lightly pressed on the brake the car went to full throttle. and for those of you who still want to second guess the facts, no it wasn't a stuck mat I had just got the car washed and the mat was correctly positioned on the floorboard.

 2. The police officer didn't just take my word for it. The police report shows that the there are skid marks starting way before the intersection of Southland and Howard, because I locked up the brakes and the car refused to stop. Also, Witnesses told the officer that the car continued to rev after the impact which certainly wasn't me because I was barely conscience at the time.

3. And I wasn't playing with my phone it was on the passenger seat beside me.

4. My insurance company agrees with my description of the accident, which the police report supports and is currently working to make Ford take responsibility for the accident and pay for the damages.

5. Also if you research the subject you'll find that this is a problem that has been complained about by dozens and dozens of people across the country and at least one fatality occurred because of it and there was a class action lawsuit filed because of it.

It just kills me when people who have little or no knowledge of the facts think they know what happened and weren't even there decide they are a qualified armchair expert and that I only said that to get out of a ticket. Trust me after that accident a ticket is the absolute least of my worries. Aside from my injuries they totaled my car and are not offering me enough to get a junker let alone replace my beautiful Mustang. Fortunately, there were no additional injuries beside my own.


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