Texas GOP Chairman Allen West's Statement on Supreme Court Decision


AUSTIN, TX – Below is Chairman Allen West’s statement regarding the decision by the Supreme Court to dismiss Texas’ constitutionally legitimate and critical lawsuit.

“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 US congressman, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law. Resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences. This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable. This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

The Texas GOP will always stand for the Constitution and for the rule of law even while others don’t.

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A lawsuit filed by a Texas State Atty General who's next term may be in a Federal prison, since he is under Federal investigation for bribery, abuse of office and other crimes.  Paxton is looking for trump to pardon yet another criminal, himself.   Chairman Allen West picked a bad cause to defend.  If West wants to form a union of his own, North Korea has an opening, he won't be missed. "Stop the steal" by trump, he legally lost the election and everyone but trump knows it!

CGM5, Sun, 12/13/2020 - 11:02

Let's see.....how is this game played, oh that's right now I remember. Our GOP chairman is a man of color and since you disagree with him that must mean you are nothing but a racist. 

Those >106 congress persons may be in for an unpleasant surprise, Section 3, 14th Amendment:. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/amendment-14/section-3/

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