Gov. Abbott Warns the State Could Take Over Austin PD


AUSTIN, TX – Governor Greg Abbott is now considering a state takeover of the Austin Police Department to prevent mass chaos as seen in northern cities. 

On Thursday, September 3, Governor Greg Abbott confirmed on his twitter that he and other Texas lawmakers are looking at taking over the Austin PD after its budget was cut last month.

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The governor fears that with the police department defunded that riots and chaos could stir up. The mayor of Austin thinks otherwise. 

“Austin is the safest big city in Texas and one of the safest in the country. Public safety is our priority and we support our police. We’re also always looking for ways for everyone to be even more safe. Not surprising the President’s rhetoric is finding its way to Texas as we get closer to November,” said Austin Mayor Steve Adler in commenting on the proposal. 

Governor Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick have already threatened to freeze property taxes within the Austin city limits. This would lead to huge losses in city revenue. For more read: Governor Abbott Not Happy About Austin Defunding Police

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k40cal, Sat, 09/05/2020 - 17:34

If the State Police take over in Austin, our taxes will be funding their police support. They save money, we pay. This is wrong. Austin needs to pay for their police support.

Pevine, Sun, 09/06/2020 - 15:53

I do not want my state tax dollars paying for Austin police. I have some idea that people in about 253 other counties feel the same way!

Think about this: California has the most mixed up, crazy politics in the nation. Apparently it’s so bad that Tesla is moving to Texas. Here’s where it gets crazy: Tesla is leaving corrupt & awful politics to come to Austin, TX, where they have corrupt & awful politics! How does this make any damn sense at all? It’s more of the same adding more money & tax breaks to people that that don’t deserve anything. This won’t end well.

Abbott should walk around Austin for a day, incognito, just to see the state of the city before defunding. Then make journey around the state, walk around and see the state the infrastructure is in. Politicians never see the big picture, only money. Sure they bring in companies, tax free to further impoverish locals with rising costs of living.

Suggesting that Gov. Abbott should walk anywhere is bound to be offensive to your peers Salt. And if he did indeed manage to walk around, he'd surely be incognito. Otherwise I agree with the big picture comment. Have a good day.

I've made several long walks throughout the state's urban and rural areas, and what I can tell you for certain is that if broadcast media were to cease to exist, so would the Left in America.

The infrastructure details were interesting.

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