TABC: Rule Changes Allow Bars to Reopen


SAN ANGELO, TX – The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is now making it easier now for bars to reopen despite coronavirus concerns. 

As previously reported, on August 3, TABC began allowing certain bars across Texas to reopen. Here is the story: Some San Angelo Bars Have Re-Opened. Here's Why:

To be allowed to open, bar owners would have to have a full kitchen that would allow bars to serve and make more more money off of food. Now the TABC is making it easier for the remainder of them to reopen. 

According to the Emergency Amendments to Rule 33.5: Food and Beverage Certificates published on the TABC website on August 25, bars will now be able to bring in outside food as well as partner with food trucks to count towards the 51 percent rule. 

This would allow bars like Fiddlestrings to open with their Fiddle Food Truck. 

Under the new rules, bars must:

  1. Supply floor plans of the areas devoted “primarily” to food service
  2. Redo menus to emphasize food over drinks
  3. Serve at a limited capacity
  4. Must make more revenue off of food than alcohol

Some bars in Texas have now been shut down for 158 days as of August 25.



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Urlik, Tue, 08/25/2020 - 18:44

I see a food minimum needed to stay above 51% for some places. Curious how they count brought in food dollar wise. Ask for a receipt?

What about all that MONEY other bar owners have already spent on their businesses so that they could reopen under the new "rules". This whole fiasco is a complete blunder by our local and state governments. If I were a bar owner I would be suing the state and CITY and asking EVERY bar owner to jump on the bandwagon with me.

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