Outside watering will be limited to once every 14 days beginning Friday, Nov. 1, in keeping with the City’s drought contingency ordinance.
With approximately 15 months of available water supply, San Angelo is in Drought Level 2, the second stage of the City’s three-phased drought plan. Under the ordinance, outside watering is restricted to once every seven days from April 1 to Oct. 31 when the City is in Drought Level 2. From Nov. 1 through March 31, those restrictions tighten to once every 14 days. Watering is also limited to no more than 1 inch per application.
Should San Angelo’s available water supply dip to less than 12 months, all outside watering will be prohibited.
Regardless of the drought stage, it is always a violation to allow water to run more than 150 feet down any street, gutter, alley or ditch.
Watering violations can be reported to the Code Compliance Division by calling (325) 277-8906 or (325) 657-4409, or emailing [email protected].
San Angelo relies upon O.H. Ivie and Twin Buttes reservoirs, and Lake Nasworthy as its primary water sources. The 15 months of available water supply assumes a worst-case scenario of no rainfall or runoff. As of Oct. 28, Ivie was at 15 percent capacity, Twin Buttes was at 2 percent and Nasworthy 77 percent. O.C. Fisher Reservoir was at 3 percent.
San Angelo has received 17.77 inches of rainfall to date this year. Normally, San Angelo averages 19.05 inches through Oct. 28. Last year, the city had received 21.78 inches by that date.
Construction of a groundwater treatment facility to treat water from the Hickory Aquifer in McCulloch County is scheduled to be completed next fall. That water will be used to supplement San Angelo’s surface water supply.
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