The Dumbest Roofers in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — On vacant land inside the San Angelo Business and Industrial Park, what is suspected to be a roofing contractor dumped the old roofing debris from a recent roofing job. The debris was dumped near the intersection of 50th St. and Pruett Dr.

Pallets on where the new shingles were once neatly stacked atop were strewn over old tar paper roofing shingles from the old roof. Plastic trash and spent Gatorade water bottles from the working crew as well as cardboard boxes that once contained the new vents that were installed on someone’s new roof were seen there too.

It looked like about a dump truck load of debris.

The suspects who left their debris on the industrial park’s lot weren’t too smart for two reasons.

First, a credit card receipt was discovered in the debris that pointed back to the name of the dumper. According to the manager of that land, the City of San Angelo Development Corporation, that receipt and the name of the suspected dumper was handed off to the Tom Green County Sheriff as evidence.

Second, the north side of the San Angelo landfill that accepts debris like this is right across the street!

But the landfill will charge a tipping fee of $40.66 per ton.

The sheriff is contacting the suspected dumpers and asking them to remove the pile of debris. If they will not, charges will be pressed.

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For a good look at a real trash city, go to the intersection of Smith's St. and Paulann and follow the dirt trail to see piles of garbage, furniture, tires and you name it, all dumped illegally, some of it within 50 ft. of housing.

What you just described sounds like some of these Leftist utopias which are springing up all over the country these days.

Were there any "protesters" seen getting dropped off by their parents?

Whoooowee… boy you sure did own those libs. I don't see how they could possibly recover from that zinger.

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