WATCH: Armed Suspect Makes Desperate Pleas About Tyrannical Government, Himself as the Law Closed in
FORT McKAVETT, TX — Donny Leek, the armed man at his rural home surrounded by State law enforcement agencies since early Wednesday night, appeared to be pleading for help Thursday morning in a live broadcast on Facebook Live.
Leek, who lived on acreage in eastern Schleicher County, had a reputation of coarse discourse with people on the left and right of the political spectrum. At San Angelo LIVE!, we had brief exchanges with him about five years ago when we attempted to calm his rantings he made on our Facebook page. He was no friend of anyone in power, whether it was a Republican politician like Senator John Cornyn or law enforcement.
He claimed law enforcement had been after him for his entire life, while mentioning he never broke any law. In the hours leading up to the standoff with DPS and the Texas Game Warden, Leek had engaged in coarse dialog with residents of Menard, the town closet to his residence, and, he said, had been kicked off those Facebook pages. Of particular note was the Menard News Facebook page were he fought many residents there in the comments most of the day Wednesday.
In the hours leading up to the standoff, Leek posted stories about the high cost of beef and how the economic challenges the lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic were affecting him. He thought it was a government conspiracy to take away his freedoms.
Towards the end of his Thursday morning Facebook Live presentation, Leek offered a tour of his arsenal of weapons and the high quantity of ammunition that he had stored in his bedroom closet and inside a freezer in his home. Earlier, Leek described a domestic altercation with his parents. He claimed he didn't want to press charges. That altercation purportedly was the catalyst for law enforcement involvement.
At one point he appeared to plead with everyone, claiming he didn’t want to die, yet he said he wasn’t scared of the Texas Rangers, oftentimes calling out a Ranger by name. As word of his Facebook Live broadcast spread, the number of people watching it approached 300 but never went higher that we observed.
DPS spokesman Sergeant Justin Baker was on the way to the location where Leek made his pleas before law enforcement neutralized him. We have no confirmation of Leek’s death other than second hand reports from media and citizens following the sequence of events.
I'm sure that in his mind he was a victim, willing to sacrifice his life against a tyrannical government, and that his death by the hands of said government will be some sort of rallying call to like-minded conspiracy theorists, I'm not buying the bull hockey he was selling.
I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he had somehow been unduly persecuted, until he made the comment that all the cops want to do is kill people. That clinched it for me.
Point a gun at the police, get DRT....dead right there.
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PermalinkHis oratory concerning the journalistic abilities of Mr. Joe Hyde didn't help his case much either.
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PermalinkKids, this isn't how you pull off a "death or glory" stunt in front of law enforcement. This guy may as well have been live streaming on an LGBTQ friendly Onlyfans account instead of on Facebook.
He starts crying because he's fighting for the wrong reasons, against the wrong people, at the wrong time. The lockdown is winding down. Our representatives are trying to get the economy back in gear. We're not in Michigan, where the governor is kind of a petty tyrant, tbh:
0.05 out of 4 stars.
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PermalinkDo what did he do that they went to his place and killed him? So he rants on Facebook and three law enforcements agencies come? And they kill you? Ok we’re all screwed then and I missed something? If all he did was put stuff on Facebook and rant and argue with his parents? You get killed for that? Everyone involved needs to be fired and in jail for murder?
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