WATCH: H-E-B President on Product Shortages

BROWNSVILLE, TX – The President of H-E-B released a video today informing the public about product shortages at the grocery store. 

According to H-E-B during the Coronavirus pandemic there has been many product shortages. 

Many of these include toiletries and cleaning supplies. H-E-B is asking customers not to panic because H-E-B is helping. 

"I don't think any of us would have thought bath tissue would be the most urgent thing people are rushing to buy," said H-E-B President Craig Boyan. "We really appreciate everyone's effort in this."

They are sharing supply to all stores around Texas and limiting the number of items a customer is able to purchase at one time. 

"Many people have asked me if we are going to run out of food," said the Kyle Stevens Vice President of Produce at H-E-B. "The answer is no."

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wDougL, Thu, 04/02/2020 - 12:46
Comment clip, especially some individuals that comment/rant on this SA Live forum. The HEB personnel just explained why it is important for citizens "Not" to panic and why it's important "Not" to purchase "More" than what you need on a regular basis! I just hope and pray that people "get the message " ! Now, I'm the first to admit that I can be a bit of a wiseass and I do try to "hold my tongue " but it's difficult for me when I hear or see people acting so thoughtless of others,especially when we are ALL in this situation together... every single one of us! I have made a personal decision to refrain from using this "rant/comment" forum for awhile. It seems we all post our rants/comments and there are very few of us that on the same page in our thinking! Well, I've said all I wanted to say so I will say my goodbyes and refrain myself from any other rants/comments for a while! Y'all take care,stay safe, think of others and have a good weekend.....
Adios amigos, take care!

wDougL, Thu, 04/02/2020 - 19:26

... again, the first time there was some technical difficulties. Everyone should watch ( or read) this story/video from HEB ... especially a few on this forum. It explains how the TP shortage in stores like HEB happened and why it was not good to purchase more than what you need on a regular basis and how difficult it is for stores to restock on those items that people all across the state and nation were hoarding. It was not a good idea to buy so much at one time that others that couldn't get to the store for one reason or another. Now the stores are having difficulty restocking for the future so that everyone had the items they need to stay home and practice social distancing. Now, I'm the first one to say that I can be a wiseguy and give people a hard time for acting irrational and selfish. I try to hold my tongue and not be so much of a wiseass, but it's difficult for me to do that we someone admits they have no compassion and don't think of others that are in the same situation. We are all in this situation of this virus... every single one of us. So, I have made a personal decision to not use and comment on this forum. It seems like we waste our word and time on this forum to make comments on what someone else commented on, well I'm done.. we can't seem to get on the same page about this situation we are all in, I'm just going to read the comments and not react to them... but that my personal decision. Ya'll have a safe evening and take care. Adios... for now and maybe for good on this forum!


While the HEB employees are talking and are properly distanced, the shoppers behind them are carrying on right next one another like everything is normal. I don't know about the stocking up, I haven't seen it but when shopping I get my items and get on my way. Exposure is what is causing the rapid spread of COVID-19, no intelligent person would want to make many trips to a store when they can be avoided by buying a two week supply. Myself I have probably a couple of months supply however what I have was bought long before there was any rush on products. If HEB is serious they can limit the amount of products like many stores are doing.

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