Coronavirus: Second Case Confirmed in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX – The City of San Angelo Health Department has confirmed a second positive case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Tom Green County. The individual is a male in his 20s who came into contact with a positive case within the state. He was tested at one of the drive-thru sites at Shannon Medical Center. The patient is in voluntary quarantine.

This is a developing story.

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A case affecting a 20 years old shows that no one can escape the coronavirus. It's a shame that some people refuse to take this pandemic seriously. Governor Abbott was not happy to see so much traffic on his way to a briefing. People best realize that this is not a world wide conspiracy to remove Trump from office. Even Trump seems unsure if this is a hoax, it's like he thinks on April first everyone is going to scream April Fool and bruise his fragile ego. Trump measures everything in dollars and his grandness, he stated he wants you back at work and in church on Easter Sunday, even if it kills you. That is food for thought.

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