WATCH: SAISD Superintendent Gives Coronavirus Update
SAN ANGELO, TX – SAISD has given an update regarding what they plan to do during the Coronavirus pandemic.
According to Superintendent Dr. Carl Dethloff, San Angelo ISD will determine or not they will close school for longer than the extended Spring Break that ends at the end of the week by Friday, March 20.
San Angelo ISD officials have been speaking with state and local officials, he said. In the meantime, Abilene ISD's superintendent said the school year was effectively over for the 2019-2020 school year. Abilene ISD is not expected to return to class for the remainder of the year.
More information will be given regarding classes by Friday at 5 p.m.
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What does this exactly say? About san angelo isd?
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Permalink... I think this means that they're going to think about it, Carol, weighing between different factors including the fact that no coronavirus cases have been reported locally in relatively remote San Angelo but also weighing the fact that "nearby" (roughly 100 miles / 3 hours) Abilene has shut down their schools for the year...
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Permalink... Rita! In your comment you stated that Abilene is roughly 100 miles from San Angelo, which is roughly correct but you also put 3 hours. I'm guessing you meant 3 hours away... roughly. So you must drive slowly to Abilene. It's been awhile since I have driven to Abilene but the last time I did, I drove at speed average of 65 and it only took just a bit over 1 and a half hours. If you drive at a speed of 60 mph, you are traveling at one mile per minute. Now I'm not a mathematician but, that comes out to be just a bit over 1 and a half hours to get to Abilene, not 3 hours. Just thought I would point that out there Rita. I was on my way to Abilene when I heard on the radio that Elvis Presley had passed away, and it only took me 1 and a half hours to get there at an average speed of 60/65 mph. So, that's my reply, and I'm stickin to it! Have yourself a wonderful week and if you happen to run out of toilet paper, get in contact with Ole Will, I here he's the new self proclaimed KING of TP, he has tons of it! ;-D
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Permalink3 hours is the approximate time for a round-trip between San Angelo and Abilene... It's also about the time the trip would take via steam locomotive or riding hard and fast on a decked out moped. Draw your own conclusions.
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Permalink100 miles = 3 hours? In what state? Abilene is approximately 96 miles from my home in south San Angelo, making it approximately 1 1/2 hours, NOT 3
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PermalinkAbsolutely nothing, and gives us absolutely nothing except “wait until Friday at five” essentially
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Permalinkbroadcast instruction for the kids affected by closure?
Some people don't have internet access. A tv program would be great!
SAISD could also partner with ASU's education and broadcasting programs to do this.
Also, they may need to have school in the summer if heat affects the virus dying out.
San Angelo has resources available to do this, to think outside of the box to keep our children learning.
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PermalinkIf you're driving to Abilene and get held up by a vehicle traveling at 35 mph, that's probably her driving. Us mere mortals make the roughly 90 mile trip in about an hour and 15 minutes, depending on conditions.
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