SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo’s only strip-tease bar, Desiree’s Preferred Gentlemen’s Club, 330 W Washington Dr., vows to stay open during the Coronavirus scare but they also are incorporating new sterilization procedures.
“In regards to the COVID-19 virus we wanted to let everyone know that we are open for business as usual,” stated Jennifer Gaona, manager of the club, on Facebook. “We feel our Club is a safe environment and look forward to seeing you.”
Gaona promised to follow Centers for Disease Control recommendations and sterilize the bar’s surfaces.
“We have implemented additional layers of infection control to protect our patrons, dancers and staff members, and will follow all updated recommendations from the CDC as we are monitoring those changes daily,” she stated.
Keeping the strip club open allows employees and the dancers to continue to support themselves and their families, she concluded.
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It's a two for one deal, one can potentially expose themselves to COVID-19 and an STD at the same time. Greed has nothing to do with staying open, it's a public service I'm sure.
- Log in or register to post comments a great service, too. Around 10-12 years old we learned how STD's were passed/prevented. I'd recommend it, at whatever age.
With that said, I'm noticing that most churches are conducting business as usual. No ''holy water'', but you may still choose to have a wafer shoved into your mouth or quench your vampiric thirst for ''the blood of Christ'' after a few dozen other's have done so from the same chalice.
Whether we're in need of a cheap thrill or a childish, archaic pipe dream, I have a feeling we'll all eventually get through this -- with our sex drives and delusory inclinations intact.
Stay safe, everyone.
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PermalinkCharge patrons to use disinfectant wipes on boobies...... Cha-ching!
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PermalinkI bet it will be closed in the coming weeks. Once a case gets confirmed here. I'm sure there is girls who travel from this club here to other clubs in Odessa and Abilene. And dollar bills could have COVID-19. I'm sure the club here won't sterilize the cash that is made. Need to close it for everyone's health and safety. Before it gets outta control.
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PermalinkProud of ya for telling those panicked over the Chinese/Wuhan virus to take a flying leap! I'll bring a roll of toilet paper instead of ones. Eggs are also a valuable commodity, but difficult to insert under a g string. Regardless, nice to see some cajones for a change.
In other news, 3 bearded tattooed millennials with their grocery cart careening on two wheels darn near side-swiped me in HEB the other day. They were wild-eyed with panic, exhibiting nervous tics and fits of uncontrollable flits. At least they were amusing, poor things.....
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PermalinkOk Boomer.
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PermalinkHeroism and bravery don't always look the way they're presented in the movies, folks! Sometimes they wear a thong. <3<3<3
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