SAN ANGELO, TX — “I think this election is about the tax paying residents of Tom Green County,” begins San Angelo Airport Policeman Bruce Burkett in his 581 word critique on Facebook of retired Texas Ranger J. Nick Hanna who is running for Tom Green County Sheriff.
Burkett’s two gripes about Hanna’s quest to become the next sheriff are that he is double-dipping retirement and Sheriff David Jones facilitated his ascension to chief deputy, the number two position at the sheriff’s office, immediately after Hanna retired from the State of Texas. Hanna retired from the Texas Rangers and the Texas Department of Public Safety late last year. Dale Pearce, who served the county with distinction as deputy sheriff, retired months prior to Hanna’s retirement then appointment. The appearance was that Jones was hand-picking his successor, raising the eyebrows of opponent Keith Muncey’s supporters.
“What a good ‘ol boy deal,” lamented a Muncey supporter at the most recent Concho Valley Republic Women luncheon last month.
Hanna and Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant Keith Muncey are at loggerheads, fighting for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff. Early voting is ongoing through Friday and Election Day is Tuesday, March 3. Because there are no Democratic Party candidates, the winner of the Republican Primary next Tuesday will be the next sheriff.
Burkett complained in a widely shared Facebook post about Hanna’s appointment as Deputy Sheriff, and should he get elected sheriff, that it will “stress” county taxpayers.
“The last two sheriffs for Tom Green County have been retired from the Texas Department of Public Safety. We’ve had Joe Hunt a retired Texas Ranger, and now David Jones. This means as a taxpayer we have been in a tax paying loop for these folks. We’ve paid into their salaries as a state employee, and are paying into the account to have them retired from the State of Texas, and then as active employee’s of Tom Green County. Now we are going to pay two of them county retirement plans. At the salaries they were pulling in that’s not a bad deal unless you’re the taxpayer,” Burkett wrote.
We contacted Hanna and he issued a press statement going into the details of his retirement from the State of Texas. Receiving retirement earned from a government agency for many years of service does not disqualify that person from continuing to serve in the public sector, Hanna wrote. Indeed, if that were the case all military retirees, such as those who retire after 20 years of service, some as young as 37 years old for enlisted personnel who joined a branch of the service right out of high school, would not be eligible to be policemen, firemen, or work in civil service at Goodfellow Air Force Base, for example.
The tenure required for a State law enforcement retirement is similar to the military’s. Hanna served 25 years with the DPS and Texas Rangers, earning his retirement in his early 50s. The difference between a military retirement and a State retirement, according to Hanna, is that State employees contribute their own salary into their retirement and the State matches their contribution. Military retirees generally are not required to contribute.
In an interview, Hanna countered Burkett’s initial argument, that the election is about the tax paying citizens of Tom Green County. “From a fiscal perspective, the impact of my position as Chief Deputy or as the elected Sheriff is zero,” Hanna said.
“I do not believe an honorably retired Texas Ranger should be castigated because of service to the State of Texas,” Hanna stated.
On the other hand, “The election March 3 is a question of who is best qualified to meet the law enforcement challenges of the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office for the next four years,” he countered.
Hanna laid out the primary challenges facing the county sheriff. “We have a narcotics epidemic that is harming our youth and young adults, forcing many to commit burglary, robbery, and assaults just to pay for their drug habits. At the same time, about 50 percent of the calls for service for law enforcement concern domestic violence. We had a senseless murder last weekend that was the result somewhat of a domestic dispute,” he said. “We need to curb the plague of hard narcotics and the senseless acts of violence that accompanies it before we lose control of our communities. You do this by holding those who break the law accountable”
Hanna stressed that his experience at the state level of law enforcement gave him a wide breadth of experience his opponent does not have. Muncey has only served as a law enforcement officer at the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office, providing Muncey a great depth of experience with that agency but no where else. Hanna, on the other hand, has fulfilled roles across the state, including police officer, a DPS trooper based out of San Angelo, and as Texas Ranger.
Depth versus breath of experience is another issue Burkett raised. He contended that the successful tenure of San Angelo Police Chief Frank Carter supports his argument that growing our own law enforcement leadership from within the local agency is the best option. It is also risky. Like Carter, former Police Chief Tim Vasquez rose out of the ranks of the San Angelo Police Department. Today, Vasquez is facing a federal indictment for public corruption.
Hanna wouldn’t comment on that. Instead he said, “I prepared myself for the role of sheriff through the years of service with the State and now I’m asking for your vote so that together we can build upon the legacy of the leading law enforcement agency in the county and I believe the best sheriff’s office west of Fort Worth.”
“Let’s clean up the narcotics problems and the other crimes by holding law breakers accountable. That is a job I have prepared for all my professional life,” he said.
When Burkett posted his piece, the Keith Muncey Campaign Facebook page shared it. “From another law enforcement officer's perspective, I agree. I also appreciate Bruce taking the time to type this message!” was the lead-in statement at the top of the shared post.
However, Keith Muncey distanced himself from Burkett’s salvo over Facebook in a telephone interview this morning. “I cannot control what all my supporters say,” he said. “I have nothing but good things to say about my opponent Nick Hanna.”
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All this carping and whining about a man's retirement pension sounds like sour grapes or envy. Ultimately, the citizens of Tom Green county should choose the sheriff candidate most likely to reduce crime and keep them safe. That choice is Nick Hanna. Period
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PermalinkI’m for Hanna. He’s a good man and he can keep his eye on Ray Zapata.
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PermalinkBurkitt is an ignoramus! Way to devalue a dedicated Texas Ranger’s hard earned service! I’m shocked anyone would even question Hana’s retirement. He earned it fair & square & if he wants to be Sheriff, he should be able! Imagine, lowlifes questioning honorable service in the name of taxes... Ignoramus thinking!
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PermalinkI don't know who the best candidate is, but I didn't like the way Hanna was appointed and days later became a candidate. Jones picked the next sheriff, it didn't smell right.
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PermalinkTom Green County's has steadily improved since we elected Joe Hunt, then David Jones. By drawing on highest quality people with unmatched breadth of experience and expertise, we can maintain the Tom Green County sheriff's office as the best office west of I35. The very definition of insanity is to abandon what clearly works.
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PermalinkEveryone has an opinion. If Hanna did his time he deserves his retirement and if he has the credentials, experience and intelligence to lead the Sheriff’s department so be it. How he got there
Although the others side or the airport cop might not like it, the voters will decide just like they will decide between bernie and Donald!
But you are entitled to your opinion!
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PermalinkIt appears to me that this is a piece in support of Hanna. I hadn't made up my mind who I was going to vote for until this came out. I like both candidates, but I didn't know that they left the chief deputy's position open until Nick retired. To me, that sounds fishy because there were others who were qualified to be in the position that were already in the SO. I wonder if Nick loses the election if he will still be so noble as to be chief deputy under an opponent. But same can be said on the flip side. I don't think that the current Sheriff should put his finger on the scales like he did though.
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PermalinkTom Green County has been blessed by having three highly qualified, highly trained, leading edge Sheriff’s in our recent history. These men were all highly trained and developed by the top law enforcement agency in the State of Texas. They included former Texas Ranger Joe Hunt, DPS investigator Truman Ritchie, DPS investigator David Jones and Hopefully, former Texas Ranger Nick Hanna. Tom Green County may be the only county in the state to boast this level of professionalism in the office of Sheriff.
Unlike San Angelo’s elected Police Chief process which will always suffer from some degree of department inbreeding, we have been able to raise the bar by selecting highly professional outsiders if we wish.
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Permalink.... and as for who gets elected for Tom Green County Sheriff... may the best man win ... but I will say that the absolute best way to get people all bent out of shape or to ( if I may use the political term) get the public to start gripping and whining on a subject like this one is to ... write a opinionated Post on Facebook and sit back and watch the Fireworks LMBO! I was at one time someone that spent a lot of time on Facebook but about 4 years ago " My eyes were opened " and I realized that Facebook was for people that had nothing else they enjoyed doing but to Post something in their opinion and " Watch the Fireworks Show" so I'm not having any, I've seen plenty of Fireworks... thank you! :-D
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PermalinkThere is nothing wrong with Hanna receiving his retirement and starting a new career. The only problem in this race is the good ole boy system that has again brought another candidate into this county to run a troubled department. Just calling it a troubled department or making the statement of problems in the county needing to be fixed as Hanna states in his rebuttal to Mr. Burkett. Apparently the last two retired Texas Rangers couldn’t fix the problems if Hanna is stating that crime and drugs are still a problem. He is clearly stating that Sheriff Jones hasn’t fixed the problems in the County. So my solution is not to bring DPS into this county to run the County. Not to bring a person that’s not from this area to fight crime of a county of this size that he has no knowledge about. I mean, you wouldn’t hire a 30 year swim coach from Odessa Permian to take over the Central Bobcat Football program would you? It’s the same thing. Lt. Muncey has been in this county and of course because he doesn’t fall in the good ole boy system he was never given the opportunity to be the Chief Deputy due to Hannas retirement approaching. We already have DPS and Rangers in the area why do we need them leading the Sheriffs office. I say give the vote to Lt. Muncey. Someone who has been in the system under several different administrations and let him implement a system that could possibly be better then what the last two Sheriff’s had. I have nothing bad about any candidate. Just stating that Hanna has identified issues that have been a problem for the last two administrations so why have another guy that is from the same family try to fix it with the same tactics. Lt. Muncey is by far the more qualified candidate. He has done it all in the Sheriffs office and started at the bottom. He wasn’t given the easy toad like the last two Sheriffs were given and the path that Mr. Hanna has been given. VOTE MUNCEY IN 2020 if you want to see improvements in Tom Green County!!
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