SAN ANGELO, TX — Gunshots rang out in Carlsbad in the 11000 block of Marshall Street Saturday morning, Feb. 15, at 9:31 a.m. What Tom Green County Sheriff’s Deputies discovered upon arrival was a white male in his mid-20s lying on the ground dead. Chief Deputy Nick Hanna did not identify the victim, but said the man wanted by his office for murder was Justin Ray Ramirez, 21.
Ramirez, Hanna said, had fled Tom Green County in a white 2012 Chevrolet Malibu. What Hanna didn’t say Saturday morning was the Malibu was operated by Ramirez’s girlfriend, Cheyenne Warner.
Cheyenne wanted to tell her side of the story, so she came to us. She hasn’t been charged with anything, at least not yet, but she accompanied Ramirez in his daring escape from Tom Green County after the shooting. She came to our offices and described her side of the story.
“What started this whole incident was that Miranda jumped me on Friday,” Cheyenne said. Miranda is Mickey’s girlfriend and Mickey was the man shot and killed that morning allegedly by Ramirez.
In a sordid explanation of events, Cheyenne said Ramirez’s sister never liked her and she had found out that Cheyenne was 12-weeks pregnant with her brother Justin’s child.
“Justin let it slip I guess. ‘Cause I wasn’t telling anybody,” Cheyenne assured.
“So, she accused me of being a trap whore and it was her idea that Justin was breaking up with me,” Cheyenne continued.
Tonight at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m., KTXS and ABC38 journalist Jacquelyn Quinones has more of Cheyenne’s interview and audio, along the reaction by Tom Green County Chief Deputy Nick Hanna.
Friday, the evening before the murder, Miranda slammed Cheyenne’s face into the side of Cheyenne’s camper, she said. Miranda was attempting to make Cheyenne miscarry her brother’s purported baby, Cheyenne continued.
Cheyenne called Justin and he took off work to travel back to San Angelo and attempt to settle the fight between his sister and his girlfriend.
“Then Miranda starts talking sh** on Facebook,” Cheyenne said.
“She was messaging Justin saying how she was gonna whoop my a** and how Mickey’s gonna whoop Justin’s a** and everything,” Cheyenne said. “She was threatening to harm me and to make me miscarriage.”
“And that’s what pissed Justin off. Because Justin and I have been trying for months to get pregnant, ever since we lost our daughter in October,” she said. Cheyenne said she miscarried in October 2019. “I was 21 weeks [then],” she said.
By Saturday morning, Justin arrived at Miranda’s trailer house in Carlsbad and Miranda was on the front porch taunting him, Cheyenne alleged. Mickey soon appeared, “And he was all hot-headed,” Cheyenne said.
In the altercation that ensued, Mickey threw a rock though the back window of Justin’s pickup truck and shattered it. Then Mickey picked up a second rock and threw at it Justin but missed, she said.
Justin carried a handgun in the truck and he retrieved it, pointed the gun at Mickey and fired. Cheyenne didn’t know how many rounds were fired, but in the end, Mickey laid dead on the ground.
Cheyenne attributes Justin’s actions to grab his gun as a reaction of his PTSD. Back in December 2019 on 22nd Street, Cheyenne said the Southside Gang aimed and fired “kill shots” at Justin then. Justin, who Cheyenne said is a member of a rival gang called The Latin Kings, has “freaked out” at the sound of gunfire ever since. The shattered back windshield from the rock Mickey threw triggered Justin to grab his gun and shoot.
Together in Cheyenne’s white Malibu, the two fled Tom Green County after Justin summoned her to meet at the Recreational Vehicle the two were living in. Cheyenne said she was on her way to work when Justin called her home.
“I had to be at work by 10 a.m.,” she said.
“He called me and said he was going away for the rest of my life. He told me to come back, get all my sh**, get all my stuff out of the camper. So I turn around. I was speeding. I was going probably 140 mph in my Malibu,” she said.
Once at her camper, Cheyenne said she grabbed her most important things: her computer, her phone, and her X-Box.
“The X-Box? I’m paying payments on it. I didn’t want to leave it there,” she said.
Ramirez, on the other hand, filled the back seat of Cheyenne’s car with all his possessions, and especially clothes. Cheyenne later said he grabbed all of his white T-shirts. Justin knew in prison he’d need them, she said.
From there, the couple sped off southbound through San Angelo and then Eden. It wasn’t until the two arrived in San Angelo that Justin opened up to Cheyenne and told her what happened, she claimed.
The couple stopped in Eden at Cheyenne’s mother’s residence. Justin wanted to turn himself in at the Concho County Jail. “Mom tells him, ‘I don’t know where the jail is here. You can Google it,’” Cheyenne said. Conveniently, both Ramirez’s and Cheyenne’s cell phones were “dead,” she said.
“Justin is terrified of going to Tom Green County Jail,” Cheyenne said. “He wanted to turn himself in Garland. It has a tiny jail, he’s been there before. And he liked it better there. He said it’s more hospitable there.”
On the way to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, the couple traveled through Brady and turned north towards Brownwood. Justin was driving Cheyenne’s car just outside Dublin when they were pulled over by police.
“He was pulled over for going 2 miles over the frickin’ speed limit. He wasn’t paying attention,” Cheyenne lamented.
“I didn’t know they knew the license plate,” Cheyenne said. The couple had no clue an all-points bulletin was issued to find them, she said.
The two were summoned out of the car during the traffic stop. “They told us to walk backwards towards the police car. I was terrified,” Cheyenne said.
She could remember vividly who was apprehending them and she was careful to stress that she wasn’t the one arrested. She said she was only “detained.”
“There were a bunch of cops,” she said. It included Erath County Sheriff’s Deputies, Texas Rangers, and the Texas DPS.
Cheyenne said she was held for around two hours in the back of a DPS cruiser at the traffic stop before getting booked into the Erath County Jail with Justin. Once in jail, she was held in a cold cell for 18 hours until the next morning at 6 a.m. when she was questioned by police investigators and released by 8 a.m.
When she was released from jail, she learned she had lost her job.
So far, no charges have been filed against Cheyenne for her part in the escape of the accused murderer from Tom Green County.
Ramirez is being extradited back to Tom Green County Jail and faces murder charges.
Tonight at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m., KTXS and ABC38 journalist Jacquelyn Quinones has more of Cheyenne’s interview and audio, along the reaction by Tom Green County Chief Deputy Nick Hanna. In San Angelo, KTXS is on Suddenlink channel 12.
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You half-wit moron!!! PTSD??!! You ignorant's not PTSD. It's called stop being a turd!!!
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PermalinkShe's obviously not very bright. She should be charged with aiding and abetting, conspiracy, and anything else they can throw her "trap ass" under the jail for. Who interviews openly regarding their stupidity?!
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PermalinkIs this girl is really justifying shooting someone in the head over a rock getting thrown? Regardless of whatever drama he went there looking for a fight and killed someone there is no justification for that!! This girl sounds pitiful and stupid and I hope and pray in the end she is charged as well!!
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PermalinkHer story makes me laugh and shake my head. This is a load of BS and she expects people to believe her. Her boyfriend has PTSD after getting shot at a month and a have ago. He's just a gang banger, why would anyone what to hurt this choir boy. She said he has freaked out at the sound of gun shots. How many times has he heard gun shots since Dec 2019? Then leaves town with clothes and an Xbox. Had no ideal the police would be looking for them. So he wanted to turn himself in the jail where he felt comfortable . Not think they would bring him back here. I feel sorry for the innocent baby she's carrying. Child won't have a chance untill CPS gets involved. Good luck honey with that story. Will be a good one to tell the other inmate's.
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PermalinkI don't know the big deal, sounds like a typical Carlsbad white trash Saturday night.
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PermalinkAre you kidding me? This is the stuff of high art. All it needs is an operatic score.
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PermalinkGood gravies, what a herd of illiterate morons.... No wonder they lived in Carlsbad.......
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PermalinkI wonder if Justin will lose his job over this?
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PermalinkThis gal sounds like typical, sorry trash. I hope she’s drug tested as part of her prenatal care. When she tests positive for meth at delivery, CPS needs to be on the scene and put the baby somewhere safe- somewhere where the poor child can be cared for by decent, law-abiding people.
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PermalinkHer ass needs be charged with aiding and anything else and sterilize her ass too and shooter how is she not in jail she drove get away car? PTSD my a s s don’t even try that crap
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