Pfluger on Trump, Syria, and Impeachment

SAN ANGELO, TX — Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Congressional District 11 August Pfluger stopped by the San Angelo LIVE! studios in the middle of December to talk about issues in the news. Pfluger’s last job before moving back to the Concho Valley was as a uniformed analyst at the National Security Council in the Trump White House.

Of Trump, Pfluger is supportive. He said President Donald Trump “cares deeply about this country and the folks working for him care deeply for the country.”

On Syria, Pfluger said there were options, most bad. “When the president campaigned, he said he wanted to reduce our troop presence in the Middle East. That is what he campaigned on,” Pfluger said. Of Trump’s decision, Pfluger said he believes Trump is doing the best he can, although his unconventional decision has forced the Department of Defense to adjust. “While not perfect, [Trump] has built a buffer zone to allow the Kurds some margin of protection,” he said.

Pfluger said the impeachment of Trump is a distraction created by the Democrats in congress preventing the body from taking up many of the necessary policy initiatives for constituents. He mentioned the delay in passing the United States Mexico Canada Agreement, the NAFTA 2.0 agreement that finally passed the House this month.

Pfluger said that while the economic drivers of various parts of the 29-county CD-11 are different, all share similar conservative values. That is what he learned during his tour of the entire district.

Pfluger is running for the Republican nomination to be CD-11’s congressman. The primary is March 3, 2020.

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"Pfluger said that while the economic drivers of various parts of the 29-county CD-11 are different, all share similar conservative values. That is what he learned during his tour of the entire district."

While I understand SAST has to toe the liberal USA Today line, as Mr. Pflueger states, the majority of their readers are conservative. So, why attempt to force feed liberal drivel down our throats? One can only assume the editorial board at SAST mirrors other liberals....they think everybody else is stupid. Not

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