Accused Cattle Rustler, Dusty Thompson, GUILTY.


SAN ANGELO, TX -- The accused Cattle Rustler has been officially found guilty. 

As previously reported the long awaited trial for cattle rustler Dusty Thompson has been on-going throughout the week and today the jury has found Dusty Thompson guilty. 

"Dusty's face turned completely red when he heard of the jury's ruling," said a witness inside the court room. 

The sentencing will continue tonight in hopes to clear the two-year long case from the hectic Tom Green County docket. 

Judge Dusek has given the Jury and Attorneys a short break, but in the meantime Thompson was cuffed and booked into the Tom Green County Jail.

He will return along with the jury for the sentencing phase later this afternoon. 

This is an on-going story and more updates will be given when made available. 

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It's uniquely satisfying when a bully receives his comeuppance. Rustling livestock used to be punished on the same level as murder. We'll see how long he'll be without a ribeye steak.

Now simply write the maximum sentence on the line for the Judge to read and announce...........

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