Police Investigating Man Who Was Caught on Video Beating Dog at Pops Concert


SAN ANGELO, TX -- The San Angelo Police Department has begun an investigation towards the man who was caught on camera beating his dog at the Pops Concert. 

On July 3 during the Pops Concert a man was caught on video brutally abusing his dog.

Watch the video here

After seeing this video police are now investigating what happened in the video. 

"We ask that everybody be patient and let the investigation run it's course." said Sgt. John Bouligny. "We want to make sure that everything is done correctly." 

Many people have already came out and said that they would take care of the dog. 

This is an ongoing investigation and according to Bouligny an update should come later this week. 

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the souls, spirits, and sins of humans vs. animals, and let's agree that "someone" needs to work this guy over real good so he'll never forget. And find that poor pup a loving home.

That was a well intentioned recommendation, although I won't accept it, I will point out that your idea of "working this guy over" is only good for the imagination, nobody is going to do anything to this guy besides those involved in prosecuting him. Lots of you guys, including Lares, spew forth fruitless babble about what could, and what should happen to criminals, yet none of you are out in Angelo putting any of that talk into action... Play Batman or leave it to the police. The only thing that could make Angelo worse than the criminals is a bunch of crazed vigilantes.

Nate, I do not know this slimeball, or how to locate him. But if I had seen him brutalizing this terrified pup, I would have confronted him at the least. Lessons learned the hard way are the lessons learned best, even you must admit. If he lost a few teeth, took a few sutures, and wore a cast for a couple of months as a result of a good samaritan intervening on the dog's behalf, I'm sure we'd never see a public display of animal abuse from him again. He is a coward who deserves a beating, Nothing vigilante about it, just, as your book says, an eye for an eye.
Go ahead, make excuses for him, condemn me and those like minded. This guy needs a butt-whoopin that'll make him regret abusing that helpless dog. No apologies here for this one.......ever.

There's a time and a place for everything. Though this incident certainly deserved an immediate intervention, not every single pet peeve in life calls for a confrontation, most specifically, the moment someone voices a strong opinion about your convict brethren, and you jump on SAL to remind us that "no one's leaped up to say these things to their face".

I know that would be the knee-jerk, common knucklehead thing to do: beat one's chest, and prove to a group of frequent fuck-ups that we're just as big and bad as any jailhouse monkey you might've shared a cell (or possibly a bunk) with -- but most err on the side of caution, and in case you haven't noticed....this isn't the pen, "bro".

There's far more ways to initiate change than reacting like the common jailhouse chimp: influence, dialogue, diplomacy, networking...just to throw out a few terms of practical application. Furthermore, if anyone with half a brain had any grandiose plans for this bum, we certainly wouldn't put a notice out on SAL, much less confide in a nameless "someone", who's not only proven he couldn't cut it as a straight-laced, law abiding citizen, but admittedly wasn't too great at crime, either.

If you're pining away for an exhibition of bravado and "say it to my face", schoolyard bullshit, buy yourself a ticket to the upcoming WWE event.

You're funny Lares! I really do crack up when I try to take your response to what I've said serious. You didn't address the point of what I said, so much as, you used the opportunity of my saying something as a chance to twist the "reader's" opinion of me, and paint me in bad light. I would imagine that's the only way that an internet chimp can beat his chest, but I wouldn't know.

Somebody said that the best lie's are always mixed with a little truth... I imagine that's why you take personal information that I have freely shared on "Live", and twist that info, till it sounds just reviling enough to suit your desire to attack me as a person, and defame my character... All while deflecting from the point that I made.

You talked about knee-jerk reaction's, and false bravado; Allow me to assure you that 11 years of not smashing the mouths of those who deserve it, speaks much louder than having never smashed a mouth in the first place.

I practice what I preach, if I see something that isn't right, I take whatever measures are needed, taking into consideration first and foremost, the safety of my beautiful wife, and 2 son's... If it doesn't warrant an intervention, I don't intervene. Another thing I don't do, is run my mouth off in a public forum about what should be done to these guy's, especially when 90% of the idea's are illegal.

So if you're pining away for a spot as a failed journalist for a smear spot on SAL, buy a ticket to the "Rant" section.

Well, so far the post count shows Nathan Schmidt in the lead 3 to 1 against Lares Deces in this thread alone - complete with the "WTF is your actual point" factor and raucous abuse of apostrophes. Let us not overlook who exactly called out whom first, as well.

So Nate: other than calling out Lares Deces without provocation and blathering on about having some online moral high-ground (which BTW you've effectively eroded away by your ongoing ramblings)... what exactly is your point again?

Let's make this simple for you, my arguement is, don't talk about what you won't do. Is that stripped and simple enough for a substantial premise?

While I relish the opportunity to bat "Jesus boy" around here, like a cat with it's injured prey, my girlfriend didn't particularly appreciate the fact that some lowlife is peering at her, close enough to read the writing on her notebook.

We know how to read between the lines, and did: "I know who you are...what you do...who your family members are....what you drive..", and to be perfectly honest with you, your behavior has all the telltale signs of "stalking".

Here's some simplification for you: big bad "say it to my face" Nate, has made a small mother of two, feel uncomfortable, and most of all, unsafe.

I've got two questions for you, convict:

1) What exactly did you expect to accomplish by regurgitating all that personal info, here in SAL, last night?

2) How safe do you think YOU deserve to feel, after essentially telling another man that you've been stalking his family? (our very astute fellow ranter, Rita R. may someday inform you, very soon "..I told you so.")

What you did last night, was in direct violation of the policy, of said "organization". The confidentiality of all students who attend these classes are protected, by the center and it's staff, and this confidentiality is expected to be respected and observed by all attendees.

You broke that rule, last night as you sat here pouting at me, and my girlfriend has taken action to see that you'll never be allowed on the premises, where she attends classes. if you're feeling lucky, drop by anytime and she, myself and the staff there will gladly see to it that you're led away in those pretty silver bracelets you're so familiar with, and consequently "trespassed".

I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again, being that you can take the trash out of the trash bin, but the stench of the bin forever remains with the trash. You're just being YOU, but it'll cost you, more than you could ever imagine.

Be well, convict. You're but a few steps away from "going home".

Noticing you because of info that YOU put online doesn't warrant "stalking". Don't believe me? Go ask the district attourney. No police have informed me of a place in this city that I'm barred from going to.

Trust me, I've no intention of giving up all that I've gained to "harass" you or your lady... Overreaction's are unbecoming for a man of your stature. Try not to waste your day away over nothing, just yesterday you said you'd drink a beer with me... today it's, "go back to jail convict!"

The Pat Bateman thing, it's cute, endearing almost. I love that movie, and the character even more so.

For the record though, I'd NEVER think of trying to shove a cat into a bank deposit box.

Is that a legal term, Lares? Has a report been filed for inducing you into this state? Maybe I've been put on a watch list and had my doxxed information released to the public as part of a smear campaign now after you've called some contacts contracting in private intel to orchestrate a bad death for me by threading their work through as many legal loopholes and grey areas as possible. Did you do some Crowleyan rituals to add flair?

Between your hokey impersonation of poorly written comic book villains and Nate's unforgettable rants last year about "MK-Ultra," I wouldn't be surprised if you and Nate are back slapping buddies offline having it out here in order to gauge public opinion.

I somehow missed the "MK-Ultra" stuff. No matter the subject matter at hand, Nate's material inevitably lands the conversation down the ever present religious rabbit hole. Comedic fodder, in most instances, though the latest meltdown strayed into very awkward and disturbing territory.

As far as my comic book villain persona...what can I say? I try, though a comment section does absolutely nothing to compliment my gesticulations and body language (fiendishly rubbing my hands together, after hitting SAVE...eyes shifting from side to side..ad nauseam)!

I have a liberal friend who long insisted that religion "isn't a big deal" to most people in modern times. That always appears to be the case, even among the less devout, until something really comes along to threaten their assumptions. Things can go from "who cares lol cheers" to a Frankenstein mob fairly quickly in my experience. There are even times when I suspect that I may have offended the sensibilities of those here, locally.

Personally, I never meant to disturb the backward rubes of this desolate place or their glorified yahoo chieftains, sitting among their shiny rocks and metaphorically throwing their feces onto their knavish, cretin underlings. I've learned to be careful with my words, because I know that among the masses of ordinary, emotionally stable people are hordes of individuals who live as if placed into a habitat, constantly ruminating over old high school dramas and feverishly attempting to console their existential angst with petty intrigues designed to generate schadenfreude—a broken and incomplete cover for a deeply damaged ego; a kind of savage, barbarian ego stultified by its lack of cultivation, molded and gnarled in its unexamined neglect.

To the extent that religion, of whatever strain, can help such individuals I acknowledge it as a good, even if the earnestness shown by those like Nate comes off as a bit overzealous. As far as any offense I may have ever caused anyone else, I have no qualms in condescending to the level of those offended and hobnobbing for a while in the squalor of our mutual imperfection. I may not be a "saint," but I'm humble—but not so excessively humble that I'm not proud of it.

Nate's alright—though what I might have done to offend the sensibilities of any bitter local addlepates I'll never know.

I'm sure there were hundreds of "good people" who witnessed this guy doing what he did, that feel the same way you do... I've seen people intervene in life but I've heard more people simply pass around their tough guy, world changing ideas around and then, get nothing done. If I knew as many "doers", as I knew, "talkers", well now, that would be something, wouldn't it? Useless babble to drone on about what should be done, outside of legal jurisdiction.

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