SAN ANGELO, TX — If you are planning on competing at the International Championship Chili Cook Off in Terlingua, here is another opportunity to earn the points you will need. San Angelo Elks Lodge 1880 is holding their annual Elks Chili cook-off on Saturday June 15. All proceeds will help fund the summer camp for Special Needs Children at Ottine, Texas, that is sponsored by the Texas State Elks Assaociation.
Registration starts at 9 a.m. at the lodge at 2121 S. Chadbourne St. The cost is $18 for Chili and $5 for Beans. Beans will be judged at noon, and the Chili will be judged at 2 p.m. Judging will be done by volunteers from Goodfellow AFB. Chili must be made from chili grind meat.
The lodge will be auctioning cakes, deserts, smoked bacon, other items immediately following the award ceremony. If you haven’t seen a cake auction at the Elks lodge, please come by. Some of these cakes go for more than $100.
Hamburgers will be available for $3 each starting at 11 a.m., and the public is invited to come by and have lunch with the chili teams.
A Chicken Fried Steak supper will be held Friday evening beginning at 6 p.m. for all chili cooks. Cost for members and guests will be $8.
For more information on the chili contest, please call Wes at 325-245-6006. You may also call the Elks Lodge at 325-227-6920.
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Enter that bowl of chili as depicted and get instantly disqualified. BEANS are not allowed in any Chili Appreciation Society International, CASI, sanctioned event. If the Elks cook-off awards points for entry into Terlingua, it will be a CASI event.
Any true native Texan wouldn't dare touch a bowl of beany chili.....pure blasphemy!!
I'm beginning to suspect Joe may be a transplant from some state like New Jersey.......
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PermalinkI say go full heretic on 'em.
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PermalinkAs much as I love curry...... never, never, ever.......
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Permalinkeven some black beans in there.
For sure Jersey chili.
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