Witness: Shoplifting Suspect Bit Cop Before Being Tased


SAN ANGELO, TX -- A shoplifting suspect had to be subdued with a taser after an altercation with police at Walmart on S. Bryant Blvd. on Thursday, according to an employee.

Additional police and an ambulance were called to the Walmart on S. Bryant around 11:20 a.m.

According to the employee, the suspect had been riding on an electric scooter with items hidden under her clothes. When stopped by police, the employee said the suspect fell out of the scooter and allegedly bit an officer.

The suspect was then subdued by a taser, the employee said, and transported to the hospital.

Public Information Officer Tracy Piatt-Fox told reporters at the scene that an official press release would be released later in the day.

This is a developing story

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Story should have read that she was transported to Shannon for surgery to repair her shattered jaw from being punched...........

Why punch her? I would have kicked her right in her nasty face! Not one word needs to be uttered about race, because she’s already playing that card along with the handicapped card. What a disgusting human!

..the officer who sustained the bite wound went straight to the hospital for a complete blood panel.

There's all kinds of zoonotic diseases these animals can pass onto human beings.

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