Local Media Race: San Angelo LIVE! Dominates in Traffic and Audience Size


SAN ANGELO, TX — The little website from San Angelo, the locally owned San Angelo LIVE!, dominates the local media space here, according to new data released by SimilarWeb.com for January 2019.

SimilarWeb claims the largest database for the behavior of people online. They say thousands of Fortune 500 companies rely on their data to grow their digital market share, including Walmart, eBay, and Proctor & Gamble.

Here are the rankings:

San Angelo Media Market Audience Size per SimilarWeb Data
SiteGlobal RankU.S. RankSan Angelo RankMonthly Visits
San Angelo LIVE!190,87138,8661683,658
GoSanAngelo . com288,10162,1662192,340
ConchoValleyHomePage . com829,336173,516360,000
KIDY MyFoxZone . com1,177,134295,0274Not Enough to Measure
KGKL 97.5 FM9,163,7022,800,6025Not Enough to Measure
KIXYfm. com29,595,9196,979,4816Not Enough to Measure

Quantcast, another web traffic data company, reported that San Angelo LIVE!’'s San Angelo audience was at 63,300 unique visitors last month. Throughout the region, LIVE! attracted 6,800 UVs from Abilene and 8,200 from the Midland-Odessa Designated Market Area, or DMA.

Nexstar, Gannett, and TEGNA, parent companies of our competition, do not participate in Quantcast measurement services.

Every month SimilarWeb publishes the top websites in the world. For January, the top global websites reported were:

  1. Google
  2. Youtube
  3. Facebook
  4. Baidu
  5. Instagram
  6. Twitter
  7. Yahoo
  8. Pornhub
  9. Xvideos
  10. Wikipedia

The full list is here.

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The LIVE! Daily is the "newspaper to your email" for San Angelo. Each content-packed edition has weather, the popular Top of the Email opinion and rumor mill column, news around the state of Texas, news around west Texas, the latest news stories from San Angelo LIVE!, events, and the most recent obituaries. The bottom of the email contains the most recent rants and comments. The LIVE! daily is emailed 5 days per week. On Sundays, subscribers receive the West Texas Real Estate LIVE! email.


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