Why Downtown San Angelo Experienced a Power Outage Tuesday


Downtown San Angelo experienced a power outage at approximately 11:05 p.m. 

Locations from the Houston-Harte Expressway and south to Highland Dr., and from Oakes St. to Bryant Blvd. were without power for about 42 minutes.

AEP Texas spokesman Fred Hernandez said that a lightning arrestor at the downtown Salvation Army building, 215 Gillis St., failed. AEP isolated the Salvation Army building by taking the entire property offline. Power is restored to all other AEP customers. Approximately 282 power meters were affected for roughly 42 minutes, Hernandez said. "The Salvation Army should be back online at around 1 p.m.," Hernandez said.

Here is the live reporting thread from the power outage earlier today:

Update 11:19 a.m.

Fred Hernandez, spokesman for AEP Texas, said that a breaker tripped at the South Concho power station. Two AEP crews are there investigating now and more are on the way. He does not have an ETA of when the power will be restored.

Update 11:23 a.m.

Avoid a crash if driving downtown. Treat every intersection as if it is a four-way stop sign says SAPD spokeman Officer Tracy Gonzalez.

Update 11:37 a.m.

Employees use the power outage as a welcome break from the grind of their daily jobs downtown.

[[{"fid":"4815","view_mode":"wysiwyg","fields":{"format":"wysiwyg","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"San Angelo Standard-Times employees take a midday break after a power outage hits San Angelo on Apr. 29, 2014. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"San Angelo Standard-Times employees take a midday break after a power outage hits San Angelo on Apr. 29, 2014. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)"},"type":"media","attributes":{}}]]


Update 11:43 a.m.

Shannon Medical Center does not appear to be affected by the power outage. AEP trucks are seen throughout downtown presumably looking for the source of the breaker trip at the South Concho power station. Wells Fargo Bank is closed until the power is restored.

Update 11:45 a.m.

Power is back on at the San Angelo LIVE! World Headquarters above the Wells Fargo Bank at 36 W. Beauregard Ave. We are checking to see if the power is restored universally.

Update 11:55 p.m.

AEP Texas spokesman Fred Hernandez said that a lightning arrestor at the downtown Salvation Army building, 215 Gillis St., failed. AEP isolated the Salvation Army building by taking the entire property offline. Power is restored to all other AEP customers. Approximately 282 power meters were affected for roughly 42 minutes, Hernandez said. "The Salvation Army should be back online at around 1 p.m.," Hernandez said.

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