Council Candidate Rodney Fleming Fights for his Priorities


He’s been called a hothead and a bull in a china store. He’s vocal and outspoken. And he does occasionally slam his fist down on the table. In the political race for the Single Member District 1 (SMD1) City Council seat, Rodney Fleming is often perceived as the candidate with the flaring temper.

But he doesn’t mind. He says he’s passionate about the issues he fights for and the name-calling only evokes a laugh.

“I think it is funny that I am classified as a bully or a hothead. [My wife] and my daughter run the house,” said the husband and father of three, “so I just find it funny.  I have lost my cool…once or twice and it was because I was very upset, because the person I was upset with wasn’t taking our water situation seriously, [or] when people…flat out lie about issues they have no idea about. I will continue to be passionate about our water issues until people take it seriously.”

Fleming “ran on water” two years ago in the Council race, and has made water concerns his top priority as a member of the Council since, he said. His record on Council decisions support that statement, ranging from pushing for the recent curb cutting initiatives to questioning the SAISD’s monthly water usage when they sought an exception for seeding the baseball fields.

Asked for his priorities this time around, Fleming’s first response was “Water, water, water!”, followed by the city’s growth—including infrastructure concerns, police and fireman wages, and future development—and property rights.

Recently, Fleming was endorsed by the local political action committees (PACs) for the police and fire departments. The endorsement has been construed as sketchy, due to ongoing negotiations for police pay raises that will be brought before Council in the next budget cycle.

Fleming has been very vocal on his stance as pertains to police pay raises, stating that in his opinion “they’re different” and “they should be paid more”. This has set off a few alarms in fellow politicos, who suggest his campaign may be accepting money that could, in the future, sway his vote in contributor’s favor.

In response to an alleged pay-off, Fleming cites experience with civil-service employees that has given him insight into the “difference” in their jobs relative to other city professions.

“I have a brother-in-law in law enforcement and I have been on ride-a-longs,” he said. “I know how difficult their jobs are and how underpaid they are. [I’m aware of] the time that they have to spend away from their families—not only for their jobs, but the side jobs most of them have to have to make ends meet. So, before I even was elected the first time I decided this was going to be one of my main priorities before they even backed me. 

“I believe I have made this known and have worked hard to make it happen, in addition to attending almost every single meet and confer meeting,” he said. “For the last 11 months I have worked tirelessly to help our police and fireman get the raises they deserve, and therefore they chose to back me again in my campaign, just as they have many, many other councilmen and women over the decades.  I feel this is why they are continuing to back me.  They know I will fight for them regardless, but they want to make sure that I am able to.”

Fleming emphasized that while he may place priority on public safety, he is one of seven who sit on the Council and his priorities alone do not represent the entire Council or those of all of the citizens, either.

“I am one of seven voting and I don’t make the ultimate decision,” he said. “Unfortunately, I own a small business and I don’t have the option [to fund my campaign independently]. I do depend on the backing of sponsors and PACs and people that believe in me to do what is right for San Angelo, and I am so grateful and appreciative to each and every one of them.”

Rodney Fleming has been a realtor in San Angelo for the past 23 years. He and his wife Leslee Fleming are the owners of Angelo Home Team. A native of Mason, Fleming “grew up living in low income housing…in a small town [where] you have to learn to get a thick skin,” he said.

Raised by a single mom and working through junior high moving pipes and hoeing peanuts, Fleming moved to the ‘big city’ of San Angelo after graduation, where he was stationed at Goodfellow Air Force Base and attended ASU.

While in the military, he “decided San Angelo is the place I wanted to eventually raise my kids,” and following a stint in Austin selling houses, moved back to Angelo to open the business he now runs with his wife.

“I had to work very hard to get it off the ground and make a name for myself among the 300 other realtors in town,” he said. “I believe owning my own business and having to balance a budget each month gives me more experience with real life. It’s the way most people live. I believe I have a good grasp on how hard it is to be without and how blessed you are to have extra some months.”  

Fleming says his experience as realtor provides him valuable knowledge on issues that are brought into the Council chambers. Citing his quick decision on the recent trash issue as example, he said, “I read contracts daily.  I’ve been doing so for 23 years.  When given a contract I know what to look for in it.  The rest is fluff.  I did know what I was looking for [in the trash contracts] as did the other councilmen because we knew what we asked for and what we should have gotten, and one had it and the other didn’t.”

Early voting for City Council seats take place April 28-May 6. Seats for districts 1, 3, and 5 are up for grabs. Election day is May 10.

“I will not bully you into voting for me for re-election, but I sure would appreciate it,” Fleming said. 

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Bill Richardson, Sat, 04/26/2014 - 08:51
Victims of bullying do not. Rodney Fleming's bullying is not funny.
if he is against us spending lots of money to build a boathouse at the lake for the lake police he's got my vote. that's money that can be better spent somewhere else until our lake levels rise
Bill Richardson, Sat, 04/26/2014 - 18:03
Sheryl Beckwith ... RE: Fleming "if he is against us spending lots of money to build a boathouse at the lake for the lake police he's got my vote. that's money that can be better spent somewhere else until our lake levels rise" ................................................................................................................................................. "Fleming made a motion to move forward with the bid, [for new SAPD boathouse] and to later decide whether the bids will be accepted. The motion passed unanimously." Source: Mr. Fleming accepted $1,000 toward his reelection campaign from the San Angelo Police Officer Union's Political Action Committee and has interjected himself in the "Meet and Confer" (aka union negotiations) process on the side of the police officers union. Notice the heading of this article "Council Candidate Rodney Fleming Fights for ... "HIS... Priorities". ... Mr. Fleming does not hide the fact that he is only interested in ...."HIS Priorities" .... and has no interest in the priorities of San Angelo citizens. Reach your own conclusions.
Bill Richardson talking about bullying someone is ironic especially since he had a restraining order placed on him by his wife/ex-wife. Seems bill is the one that likes to bully!
Bill Richardson, Sun, 04/27/2014 - 21:57
The Texas Real Estate Association based in Austin gave Fleming $2,000. The decision to award this money is made in Austin. The vote of San Angelo relaters does not matter.
Bill Richardson, Sun, 04/27/2014 - 22:17
Here we are a year later and nothing practical has been done to solve our water problems since the previous council oked the Hickory project. The Upper Colorado River Authority's Red Arroyo proposal I brought to public attention is in another study and would need to be funded. The cost 20 million dollars. San Angelo's Present acclimated death is $158 million. Practical projects such has fixing the leak in the Nasworthy Dam have been ignored. Eradicating invasive species in the Twin Buttes water shed has been ignored even though it could be funded by the Lake Nasworthy Fund, the 4B sales tax and state funding. City street have gotten worst. Water leaks are still a constant occurrence. We don't need a "bully in a china shop" we need someone who can think rationally, get along with citizens and really get things done That person is Trinidad Agurrie. I ask those who voted for me last time around to vote for Trinidad Aguirre One of the things I propose is investment in GIS (Geographical Information System) which will help city departments with maintenance work. A GIS system can allow information of roads, bridges, street signs, etc to be readily available at the click of a mouse instead spending tax dollars to send out a crew to see what the surface of road or bridge is made of or the type of paint used on a street sign. To see a sample of GIS in action go to:
O_M_G, Sun, 04/27/2014 - 21:59
Bill Richardson is just butt hurt that no one would give Him support ( money) to help him run for council...Mr. Richardson has had one to many tonite...Hope his wife is at work or he might take it out on her...
O_M_G, Sun, 04/27/2014 - 22:11
Bill Richardson blocked on facebook for posting He IS wearing
bebop, Sun, 04/27/2014 - 23:53
Two of those children are his step-children, who spend half the week with their real father. It's unfair to pretend they are all Rodney Fleming's kids when two of them have a loving, caring, present father.
I think it is sad that in today's society you feel the need to point this out! All the stuff Bill Richardson is saying is just him being him, but when you start questioning Rodney as a father it gets personal! You have NO IDEA the dynamic of our family and have no place to talk about it. All three kids actually have "loving, caring, present parents" and THANK GOD! This was not an article about our kids, it was an article about Rodney. And yes, he does speak of all 3 of them as his as any great step-parent would. He's been in their lives for 9 years and loves them as his own! Their "real" father knows this and appreciates the fact that they have so many people that love them and doesn't need you speaking up for him. I just hope that you realize this comment is offensive to every step parent out there that loves their step children as their own! I think this makes him an even better person for not putting "step" in front of their names. God Bless whoever you are.
Bill Richardson, Mon, 04/28/2014 - 10:11
Mr. Comments are about the issues.

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