Update: Weather Service Says Rain Changing Over to Snow in San Angelo and the Concho Valley


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Snow is headed toward San Angelo and the Concho Valley late Thursday and into Friday morning. 

According to the National Weather Service Office in San Angelo rain will be changing over to snow but it could be just a dusting or up to three inches depending on where you are. 

The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for a wintry mix of precipitation, with light snow accumulations possible, which is in effect until 6 a.m. Friday.

Rain will be changing to snow across West Central Texas Thursday afternoon and Thursday Night. 

A strong upper level storm system will develop across West Central Texas today. As this system develops, light rain will begin to change over to snow during the afternoon and continue into tonight.

Snowfall totals ranging from just a dusting up to 3 inches will be common. Higher elevations across the northern Concho Valley, Heartland, and Big Country may see even more.

It'll be windy as well with gusty winds increasing to 30 to 35 mph with some gusts of up to 50 mph Thursday with an 80 percent chance of precipitation. 

Thursday night expect temperatures to drop to near freezing with wind and rain and snow.

Conditions are forecast to improve on Friday. 

This is a developing story.  

UPDATE Thursday 3 p.m.

A Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect for this afternoon and tonight for locations north of a Barnhart, to Eldorado, to Mason line.

Rain will continue to mix with or changeover to snow, and sometimes sleet, with snow accumulations heavy enough to cause travel difficulties at times.

In addition, a Wind Advisory will also remain in effect for all of West Central Texas through this evening. Wind gusts may reach 50 mph.

UPDATE 4 p.m.

As of 4 pm, a mix of rain and snow was occurring across the Big Country, northern Concho Valley and Northern Heartland. Accumulating snow of around 4 to 6 inches on Highway 70 8 miles south of Sweetwater resulted in closure of the highway and multiple accidents.

Meanwhile, on interstate 20 at the 84 exchange, there were multiple crashes with slush and sleet. In Tom Green County, patches of ice and snow were reported on SH 208 north of town.

Patches of ice and snow were also reported on SH 158 in Sterling County. Abilene and Coleman are reporting light snow at the moment, and icy spots on highway 277 were reported southwest of Abilene.

Winter Weather Advisories continue for all counties except Crockett, Sutton and Kimble counties. As we go towards the evening, temperatures should gradually cool and many areas will likely experience mainly snow. Still expecting a dusting to 3 inches of snow, with higher amounts in higher terrain areas.

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Masaru, Thu, 12/13/2018 - 16:44

Well, it's interesting because after I wrote about Buddhism on this site earlier this year—to get the word out and offer an alternative to the people who are caught up in the self-loathing that can be attendant with some of the older (but still surprisingly liberal) forms of Christian teaching, many people were deeply offended. Some even made threats. Rumors were spread to the heights of ridiculousness of claiming that I was a black magician, an aspiring cult leader, and some of the rumors were mixed in with actual truth about my personal life that someone obviously took great care to dig up. Ironically, this is what the Buddha taught us would happen!

They always want to slander us
In the great assembly;
They slander us to the kings,
Ministers, brahmans, householders,
And to other monks, saying that we are evil.
They say:
These are people of false views
Who teach heretical doctrines.

Since we revere the Buddha,
We will be patient with their wickedness.
They will mockingly address us, saying:
All you buddhas!

We will be patient with
These scornful words.
In the troubled world of the Age of [the Decadent Dharma]
There are many fearful things.
People possessed by evil spirits
Will scorn and slander us.
But we shall wear the armor of patience
Because we trust and revere the Buddha;
And we will persevere under these difficulties
In order to teach this sutra.
We will not be attached to our bodies or lives
We only desire the highest path.
In the future we will preserve
What the Buddha has entrusted us with.
The Bhagavat himself must know
That the erring monks in the troubled world
Will not understand the Dharma
Taught by the Buddha through skillful means,
According to what is appropriate to sentient beings.
They will utter evil words with angry countenances,
And they will repeatedly expel us,
And keep us away from the monasteries and stupas.
There will be many evils such as this.
We will all endure in these matters
Because we remember the Buddha’s decree.

—Lotus Sutra, Ch. 13, BDK translation

Masaru, Thu, 12/13/2018 - 19:18

Some people believe that statues can cry blood or that bleeding wounds appear on the hands of those who are faithful. Oddly, they believe that these things are good omens! Personally I think that's very strange... even a bit unsettling... but those people are free under the law to believe those things and, even if they weren't, some would likely persist in their beliefs!

Some reject all religion, but as Joseph Campbell said, "Half the people in the world think that the metaphors of their religious traditions, for example, are facts. And the other half contends that they are not facts at all. As a result we have people who consider themselves believers because they accept metaphors as facts, and we have others who classify themselves as atheists because they think religious metaphors are lies."

There are many who follow, but with doubts, and rightfully so. Scientific understanding has shattered the ancient notions of most of the world. But our experience of life also leads to questions. Often we experience troubles and upsets that a personal God could, hypothetically, easily prevent yet doesn't—and how much more inexplicable are the tragedies that strike? Illness, the deaths of loved ones, injustice, cruelty, misery, agony, and heartache can and do assail us. Many have a spiritual sensibility that they follow to a sacred space, but as time passes the doctrines seem less true and life makes less sense. I suspect that, much like poor Jesus, there are those who cry out wondering why God has forsaken them.

All religious activity has some value. Some Christians have very high standards of behavior. They are ethical and moral people, and their activities generally lend towards good karma and happiness. There are others who are lost in their faith like a drunken stupor and some who, regardless of any creed, are immersed in their own ego, drowning in their own passions, and trapped by their own fears. There are some who "have just a little dust on their eyes," and once it is wiped off, they'll begin to wake up.

The message of the Lotus Sutra, the "King of Scriptures," is simple and clear: "You are all destined to become Buddhas!" Joy, bliss, perfect understanding, character, and eventually form are the ultimate destiny of all beings. Once we are taught to see it and begin to act on it, it will begin to manifest.

Nichiren taught that for the age we live in, so long after the Buddha taught, the simple and widely accessible method of chanting the Sutra's title can accomplish the goal of meditation. "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo" was the chant of Nichiren, the title of the Lotus Sutra and the spiritual triage for people born in an age of spiritual decline when the people born would have the karma to fall into hell in their next lives.

Maybe that's just a myth, but... looking at my own experience of being targeted and driven out and also looking at the world around me at many of the same things Christians notice and point out, well...


Really? The dairy farm declares this post as udder nonsense.....
There are other forums more appropriate for religious rhetoric. Please find one.....

MjNS, Fri, 12/14/2018 - 07:54

How this town loses it's mind at the word snow...
Buddah vs Christ...really? Go find a different forum...

I believe you mean well, but if your goal is to educate, or proselytize, I'll go ahead and burst that bubble for you now, and inform you that San Angelo just isn't the place for it. We're not L.A. New York or Austin. This is the same city who were among the lead torchbearers in the witch hunt of the FLDS. "Alternative religious beliefs" simply don't mesh well 'round these here parts.

If you're being threatened, I'd say defend yourself by any means, though I understand Buddhism forbids any kind of physical confrontation, even in many instances of self defense. The Shaolin have several techniques in self defense, though only permit their utilization in extreme circumstances. With that said, these techniques are mostly comprised of non-violent defensive "blocking" tactics, which would have you and your opponent engaging in a Three Stooges slapstick reenactment, rather than a fight.

Whining about how oppressed you are, or how no one lends an ear to your wonderful belief system is just counterproductive. Leave that to the professionals -- Liberals and Bible Bangers.

Merry Christmas, Masaru -- to you AND your cats.

Masaru, Thu, 12/20/2018 - 11:23

I understand that people may feel the need to "bend the rules," (or for that matter, the law,) in order to keep the peace and prevent some greater threat from gaining ground. We're probably on the same "team" as far as the need for keeping that threat at bay. Still, I suppose I may owe the community an apology if... Buddhism is too threatening to them... or if I seemed like the kind of guy who might successfully take on several wives. Things like this can terrify people, and if I have caused anyone to be terrified, I apologize. Sometimes I just don't know the strength of my own ability to influence, it seems....

As far as the threats made... I'm not changing my religion just because someone might use violence. If you're so unsure about your faith that you have to threaten others just to get them to stick around, I've got some answers that might help you. Otherwise... I've seen things that I took to be religious metaphor become very real for me as I've continued practice. If the inevitable happens sooner rather than later over this, it actually brings great merit. If I defend myself effectively over this issue, there's actually no demerit. The whole situation is a special kind of stupid. "Avidya" is the word.

But you're right. Relocating is a good choice. I haven't had much good to say about San Angelo, but I can't say people haven't proved me right, either. And, FWIW, you don't have to worry about "bursting my bubble." I'm not exactly surprised about what's happened. Sorry if that seems mean, somehow.


Masaru, Fri, 12/21/2018 - 12:35

I don't believe you made any such comments here, RR. (Now ZZ?) This was simply something that I had in mind to address for some time. Nothing you said or did either provoked it or, for that matter, could have stopped it—though this is the wrap up for for addressing this particular issue. Here.

There are many other issues that come into play. Digital privacy. Free speech. Religious freedom. Even common decency. I suppose I just got tired of being judged by a standard that upholds cruelty when, meanwhile, you can't buy a cup of noodles at the Stripes and heat it up in the microwave without comments about your weird breakfast. Suffering isn't "holy," and the local standards are kind of nuts.

Maybe the fences should be mended by building a great wall somewhere in America like the one they have in China. Until then, I may be around, I may not. No promises. I'm only human after all.

You are not going to find enlightened thought in Tom Green County. There is a reason some of us who grew up there choose to live in other places.

Having said that, I wish you well.

I'm sure many people are out getting their last minute Christmas shopping done in crowded stores, buying their last minute items for Christmas dinner in long lines, and generally gathered together inside out of the cold air.

The conversation here has been quite a tangent away from the subject of the article. Regardless, just want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, with all of the good will that entails!


(Didn't want to offend anyone with Christmas music, so I found some music that sounds like it originates from the region Jesus was born in. Enjoy.)

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