Movie Comparing President Trump to President Lincoln Almost Sold Out


SAN ANGELO, TX -- A movie comparing President Donald Trump to President Abraham Lincoln will be prescreened in San Angelo Tuesday evening and there are only 20 tickets left. 

According to Dinesh D'Souza volunteer Ginger Moore, the volunteer team team bought 105 seats for this pre-screening with tickets on Eventbrite.

Here's the movie trailer: 

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According to Moore, the San Angelo Pachyderm Club and San Angelo Tea Party are promoting the movie comparing Lincoln and Trump.

The movie is being screened tonight at 7 p.m. at the Icon Cinema, 2020 N. Bryant Blvd.  


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This movie is garbage. The Indian guy wants to pretend that party dynamics haven't hanged since the civil war, which is ridiculous. He also wants to frame nationalists as left wing. Well, the Democratic party under Jackson was the party of working class and rural whites, the same people who Trump serves today, and Trump is also a nationalist (so I guess he is left wing??) It also ignores the fact that Trump has a picture of Jackson in his office.

The real left-wingers in the Republican party are people like Ron Paul who oppose nationalism and protectionism in favor of free trade (economic liberalism) and immigration. Ron Paul doesn't even want a wall, and Dinesh Probably doesn't want one either. Dinesh isn't even a real American.

Right-wing = Nationalist

People who weren't born in Bombay, to start. Or how about the people who built this country (white people).

If I understand correctly, you are saying real Americans are white people, as they are the ones who built this country. Yes, white people built this country with the help of God Almighty and, what, give or take a couple of hundred thousand slaves, a few colonies here and there (shithole countries), eh? But, that's all fake news I guess.

I am a history buff. I have come across nothing that mentions Russian interference anytime during his administration. Nothing about his mistreatment of women, now I have read he was a thread away from tyrannical. Maybe that is the comparison.

He doesn't even realize he is not included in MAGA. Wrong shade of conservative.

Biblical prophecy we need. Oh me yeah. Lemuel Seth Gonzales. All real San Angelo native criminal record etc. Can prove to the public and U.S. I am a biblical prophecy spaces away from what the world is ready for. Google my name cuz it's actually exactly as it seemed they sent more than just anybody they sent a short Mexican to show the world how real and perfectly designed life really is. Please let me open your cerebral to things unattainable on earth without understanding of the book of life. I can very easily break the bible down by Lord God guiding my every breath and move in what evolutionary theorists would call nothing short of a divine miracle Proverbs 31 and 30 they actually are one chapter the names are all mysteries leading to something you will all see. America this is not a test this is the beginning of Holy on earth thru man clearly visible and heard in a way that cannot be anything less than completely life changing. The Lord God is amazing and the BIBLE just came to life.

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