SAN ANGELO, TX — Tim Condon, owner of the Lonestar Cheeseburger food trailer that has been parked at the intersection of W. Beauregard Ave. and S. Abe St. since 2011, proved to the City of San Angelo Health Inspectors that his trailer really is mobile Wednesday.
The City demand became a spectacle Wednesday morning as Condon and his staff set forth to prove the trailer really can be moved. Condon said he has been permanently parked in the parking lot of the Eskimo Hut, 333 W. Beauregard Ave. since 2015. According to City Health Inspector Kevin Little, the rules for mobile food vendors changed in 2016, and those rules are set by the State of Texas.
The event as it happened on Facebook Live (click here to view on Facebook):
Little explained that the Texas law requires mobile food vendors to demonstrate mobility once per year when renewing their permit. How a mobile food vendor proves mobility is what is open to interpretation, according to Condon.
Condon holds the view that if the trailer is equipped for movement, had tires, a trailer tongue, and lights; he should only have to prove mobility on paper.
Little said the City staffers disagreed and felt that Condon should have to prove mobility by driving around the block. Driving around the block was a compromise, because last week, the City had demanded that Condon tow his cheeseburger trailer to City Hall, about four blocks east, and back.
Condon and the City worked out a compromise. Little said that few other food trucks were required to make the trek to City Hall, so he easily agreed with towing around the block.
Condon started the day early. Inside the trailer, as he took me on a tour at around 10:30 a.m. this morning, he showed how he had disconnected and tied down the large box freezer inside the trailer. Neatly secured too were his fryers and other commercial grade kitchen equipment inside the trailer. Everything was scrubbed clean.
“I’m worried about the tiles,” Condon said, looking down at the tile flooring Condon had installed in the aftermarket. Moving the trailer, especially down the ramp of the private drive entrance to the Eskimo Hut with that much weight still in it surely was going to break part of the floor.
Outside, the operation wasn’t going smoothly. The handle to the crank that raises and lowers the landing gear on the tongue broke off. Condon and crew had to overcome it by finding a truck with a lower wheelbase so it could be attached to the truck’s trailer hitch. They found a Ram 2500 used for towing large trailers at American RV.
Then, as the trailer was taken off it’s blocks, it became apparent that the tires on the tandem axle trailer needed more air. After watching parts of the spectacle on Facebook Live at Constancio Tire and Fleet Service, 1000 N. Chadbourne St., Gus Constancio, owner, dispatched himself to the scene with his truck-mounted air compressor. He examined the tires and filled them up to the proper tire pressure. “Just helping out a fellow San Angelo entrepreneur,” Constancio said. After filling the tires, Constancio joked, “I love the lemon chicken he makes. I don’t want him to go away!”

The City of San Angelo forced the Lonestar Cheeseburger Co. to prove its trailer was truly mobile by having the proprietor tow the trailer around the block.

Lone Star Cheeseburger's new digs. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)
By noon, the trailer was moving forward, and down the driveway, turning east on W. Beauregard Ave. towed behind an older year model Ram 2500 pickup truck. The truck and trailer turned north on S. Koenigheim St., west on W. Harris St., and then south on Abe St. The truck and trailer, on a 100 degree F sunny day, turned back into the parking lot on the south side of Eskimo Hut.
Trouble happened when the truck and trailer had to traverse the City Hall Annex. An array of City vehicles blocked entrance back to the original parking spot. The City was able to locate the keys and a driver for all but one Nissan Frontier pickup that blocked the Lonestar Cheeseburger trailer. Ironically, the City truck had the words, “Customer Service” stamped on its doors.
The City guy who had the keys to the Nissan was at lunch. He couldn’t be found right away. Being blocked by a City vehicle emblazoned with the words, “Customer Service” was a metaphor for Condon’s thoughts on the day. The same bureaucracy that forced him to move his trailer put up one more physical roadblock to Lonestar Cheeseburger getting back into its parking spot of operations so Condon could open, and start making money again.
Despite the differences of opinions between Condon, the City staff and health inspectors, on interpreting State law, the mood Wednesday was cordial. Everyone was working together towards a common goal of proving that Lonestar Cheeseburger’s trailer is really mobile.
What happened to the tile floor? “Everything turned out good,” Condon said. The floor was not damaged. There was a plumbing pipe that was damaged as it scraped against the pavement pulling out of the private drive. 3 D’s Plumbing arrived almost immediately and fixed the pipe and reconnected it.
The Facebook Live video of the trailer moving was broadcasted on San Angelo LIVE!’s Facebook page. It was was the top post of all news outlets on Facebook in Texas for about three hours, according to CrowdTangle.
Condon promised he will be open later Wednesday. Considering all of the grief government regulations caused him today, he said he is introducing a new item on the menu.
With a nod to San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter’s campaign slogan last year, to “Cut the Red Tape!” Condon is introducing the Red Tape Burger. For an extra dollar, Condon said he will slice the burger into two equal parts for easier handling.
He asked customers and potential customers to suggest ingredients for the new burger on Facebook Live. Among the suggestions from viewers of the Facebook Live video: lots of pepper and bacon, representing government pork. Others suggested "crow" because they felt Condon had to eat lots of crow in his public battle with the City.
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Why are Article Titles deceiving? The City is NOT forcing anyone do anything. It is Texas law requires mobile food vendors to demonstrate mobility once per year when renewing their permit. The City is just enforcing the LAW. Change it if one does not like it. Do not think that one is above the law and should not comply. I want to drive 100 miles on the loop and not stop at red lights but I know the Law says NO.
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PermalinkThe city is the one enforcing the rule or law, and therefore they are the ones forcing him to do it. They also threatened him with loss of his permit, so therefore the city is forcing him to do it. Doesn't really matter who made the law. Fun story and video Joe.... you really need to buy a "professional" deal that holds your phone steady though.
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Permalink"Considering all of the grief government regulations caused him today..."
"The same bureaucracy that forced him to move his trailer put up one more physical roadblock to Lonestar Cheeseburger..."
and a few other snippy remarks in the article kind of drag the whole thing down imo.
but hey good for the guy doing what he should've done a while back now after causing a big stir for no reason at this point. makes me wonder if he was just doing all this for the free publicity.
plus the fact there's gonna be a "red tape burger" that's just cringe-y aint it? considering she wasn't even mayor when all this drama started was she?
idk i like the burgers there honestly but i think i'll stay away for a while at this point. i don't go get a burger to feel political. i get a burger because im hungry and they taste good. seems like he's confusing his priorities.
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PermalinkBest post of the whole long and drawn out thing. Make no mistake, Condon seems to really enjoy well publicized controversy with the city. Any news will get you attention and clicks.
On a side note, if he is charging a fee credit/debit card use he is in direct violation of state law. Ask any credit/debit card processor operating in the state of Texas. As someone else posted, you can charge a discount for cash but that isn't as quick or easy to calculate as an add on fee for cards. I do think for merchants this law is total B.S. since they pay a fee to have these same cards used at their businesses. However, once again, the law is the law. If you don't like it, lobby, vote and support the lawmakers that enacted it.
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PermalinkLots of folks around town charge extra to process credit cards. San Angelo is so slow to adopt change. I'm just glad more and more stores are finally accepting credit cards here.
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PermalinkTexas law does not allow any merchant to add on processing fees when using a credit or debit card. Report them!
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PermalinkAll of these expenses should be written off as advertising. His business should pick up substantially by folks who feel put upon by all sources of bureaucracy. My squaw and I will stop by for a buffalo burger.
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Permalink“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,”
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Permalink“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,” President Trump, referring specifically to the economy.
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PermalinkHere it is again! The citys bs ! Leave the man alone.....The city is always causing trouble. Why is that ?
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“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,”
So saith Der Trumpster, the most mendacious creature ever to befoul the Oval Office.
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Permalink"City enforces State law, news at @ 6."
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Permalinkthe world is in it's rightful place. Condon complied, City is happy, minor inconvenience for owner, but he benefits from tons of free publicity, and has another year to work on changing the way SA enforces the mobility law.
I'd suggest he introduce an Around the Block burger. Eat it in the time it takes to walk around the block, get a free t-shirt....or something.
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PermalinkThis had to be a publicity stunt... Funny he didn't get pulled over like people predicted, must've had valid plates after all, contrary to conspiracy theories.
All the bellyaching over a simple, valid, and longstanding rule... It's not like the city just recently devised a "regulation" with which to pester Condon... Being in the mobile food truck business, he knew the law of proving mobility in 2011, and this is the first time he's actually done it. Sad. Not really fair to all those who did it before him, probably even some of the folks in the Food Truck Alliance with him.
Oh well, at the end of the day, he had to put on his big boy underwear, (much to the dismay of the general rebellious public) and obey the law. This is part of what American's have to deal with, this "red tape"... Another reason we get mad when people illegally enter the United States and take advantage of all the benefit's of being an American, without going through the "tape" to earn it.
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PermalinkY’all watch since there was all that audio and video of them scraping pavement? Or cement? Watch he will get fined for that now I got a $1 says he does. Better get a dually next time? Oh and might be a dot fine too
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PermalinkI think if I was one of the 100 or more city employee's working in the old bank building just across the parking lot, I'd be waiting a while before taking my lunch break at the burger shack for awhile. Might find some extra chewies and crunchies in that cheeseburger...........
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PermalinkI am glad he finally complied and moved his trailer to show he is "mobile". What would have been most interesting is if the San Angelo Police would have been there to see that he did not have a current inspection or registration on the trailer and given him a ticket! That is why he needs to show mobility by taking his trailer to a local inspection facility ANNUALLY and pay his ANNUAL trailer registrations like everyone else.
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