High Speed Chase Ends in North San Angelo


San Angelo Police were seen chasing a white 1990s era Ford F-150 southbound on Bryant Blvd near 33rd St. at approximately midnight Thursday at a high rate of speed.

The truck turned into an alley of the Resort at Riverside apartments, still traveling fast, and came to a screeching halt, said witnesses. The occupants of the truck then abandoned their vehicle and police pursued the suspects on foot.

Witnesses at the scene said that police had three suspects in custody by 12:15 a.m.

K9 units were seen searching the area in what looked like a perimeter around the Sandpiper and Riverside apartment complexes.

A witness on the scene said that police found two backpacks, contents of which were of peculiar interest to police.

We will update this story when official information is available.

It appeared that the search operation was winding down by 12:40 a.m. Thursday morning.

The truck appeared to be traveling south on Bryant from the direction of Grape Creek said witnesses.

Update 4:00 p.m. Apr. 10, 2014:

The entire series of events last night is under San Angelo Police investigation. Once the investigation is complete, we will update this story.

Update 11:46 p.m. Apr. 10, 2014

San Angelo Police have released details about the chase this evening here.

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