EL PASO, TEXAS – (Press Release) Beto O'Rourke will return to Tornillo at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and tour the newly opened tent camp where children are being sent without their mothers and fathers under the Trump Administration’s "zero tolerance" policy.
The El Paso Congressman will be joined by Rep. Joaquin Castro and a bipartisan group of their colleagues.
The tour comes nearly one week after O'Rourke led a Father's Day march to Tornillo. A group of more than one thousand including local leaders, advocates, elected officials and concerned Texans assembled to raise awareness of the tent camp and draw attention to the inhumane separation of children from their parents, the denial of a legal asylum process for those presenting themselves at our ports of entry and other recent actions taken by the Trump Administration.
The El Paso Congressman is trying to unseat Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the November general election.
Meanwhile, Senator Cruz has introduced emergency legislation to keep immigrant families together.
The junior Senator from Texas issued the following statement Wednesday:
“All Americans are rightly horrified by the images we are seeing on the news, children in tears pulled away from their mothers and fathers. This must stop. Now. We can end this crisis by passing the legislation I am introducing this week.
“Repeatedly, I have visited detention facilities tragically housing young children. For far too long, children have been the greatest victims of our broken immigration system, with tens of thousands of children who were detained under the Obama Administration and continuing through today, and with far too many of those children facing horrific physical or sexual assault from criminal human traffickers.
“The answer is not what congressional Democrats are proposing: simply releasing illegal aliens and returning to the failed policy of ‘catch and release.’ Rather, we should fix the backlog in immigration cases, remove the legal barriers to swift processing, and resolve asylum cases on an expedited basis.
“While these cases are pending, families should stay together. Children belong with their mothers and fathers. Once their cases have been adjudicated – under my legislation, in no longer than 14 days – those who meet the legal standard should be granted asylum and those who don’t should be immediately returned to their home country.
“We can fix this. If my Democratic colleagues will join me, not play politics but work to solve the problem, we can start to end family separation this week. And, we can honor the rule of law.”
This week, Sen. Cruz is introducing the Protect Kids and Parents Act, which will:
- Double the number of federal immigration judges, from roughly 375 to 750.
- Authorize new temporary shelters, with accommodations to keep families together.
- Mandate that illegal immigrant families must be kept together, absent aggravated criminal conduct or threat of harm to the children.
- Provide for expedited processing and review of asylum cases, so that—within 14 days—those who meet the legal standards will be granted asylum, and those who do not will be immediately returned to their home countries.
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Sounds like Cruz put together something that is firm + compassionate... I don't see anything being proposed that would work better.
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PermalinkAs usual, Rafael refuses to acknowledge that his President (daddy)will sign what ever both houses come up with. Just do it already. The president has a majority government. I guess it's easier blaming it on President Obama, or Benghazi, or the tan suit.
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PermalinkAs usual, Rafael refuses to acknowledge that his President (daddy)will sign what ever both houses come up with. Just do it already. The president has a majority government. I guess it's easier blaming it on President Obama, or Benghazi, or the tan suit.
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PermalinkThe left doesn't want to work with Republican's on legislation and pass it into law in congress because then it will stick, if they stalemate, they force the hand of Trump to make an executive order which will in turn be rescinded by his predecessor, probably Hillary or someone just like her. It's political hardball at it's finest and sickest.
Dem's don't want to talk about separation... What about family separation from the womb? It's a political agenda that isn't in this countries best interest and Trump has to fight through it all.
Of course he's going to be slandered, he took federal funding away from abortion clinics and recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capitol.
If the people crying out about the "inhuman" treatment of families at the border, really cared about families, they would stand to protect life at conception... Not promote the violent ripping apart of babies while they are living and feel it inside the womb. Remember, that's not family separation.
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PermalinkIn what way is Ted Cruz refusing to acknowledge that Trump will sign? By introducing emergency legislation to create change at the border? How does that equate to blaming Obama? Or for that matter Benghazi, or the Tan Suit?
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PermalinkWhile there has been some suffering on the border, I don't see how we could deal with it in any better way than what Cruz is bringing to the table. I believe that Cruz and Trump both care about seeing "humane" treatment at the border, they both seem to express the same opinion's about keeping families together as we go through this situation, while working toward helping those who qualify to achieve asylum.
These are people that didn't even want to leave their own country, it just got so bad that going this route held out more hope for them than staying at home... I don't like to see people anywhere separated from their families, but it's not like we're ignoring the flaws within our system. In fact, it seems as though, lot's of people are working diligently to rectify those flaws that were exposed.
I don't see how this could be done any differently, and Obama did help to make some of our messes, so it's a valid point to talk about. Trump has been busting his butt off since he was elected, making change after change to help the American people, he's already had twice the positive impact that his predecessor did, but hey, somebody's got to complain about something from time to time.
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PermalinkHe has perfected legislating with the pen. Republicans have used reconciliation for tax bill. They have the power to do it all. What is keeping them from doing it, a few thousand liberals marching on Washington? Pass what they think is right and live with it, own it, reap what it may. Just do it and stop blaming it on a rogue Kenyan who took all our guns and civil liberties in 8 shorts years of being our dear leader.
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PermalinkTrump has succeeded where Obama totally failed in Korea and more. Obama brought us "change" alright, from government bailouts to his immigration policy, we are on the upswing now, because Trump is getting things done. You never heard this much fuss about the treatment of immigrants with Obama, but he did the same thing as Trump and worse.
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PermalinkDeporter in Chief, was what the left called him. I know of at least one person that made a fuss. "President Obama has moved millions of people out. Nobody knows about it. Nobody talks about it. But under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country. They've been deported," Trump said. Then he lies about crime stats. He has shown he is incapable of speaking the truth. PERIOD.
trump leading hemorrhoid sean hannity said it was a mistake and naive to speak with the likes of kim, and other tyrants for that matter. All of a sudden trump meets with kim, with preconditions. That is certainly no art of a deal. He sacrificed treaties to guarantee absolutely nothing from NK.
Your right about upswings. Instead of negotiating with our long time allies, he simply opted for an upswing in trade wars with them. By all means, continue to sing his praises. Just own them when they come crashing down.
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PermalinkLeftist media got you all in an uproar huh? You should try some different outlet's, AFR is a great one 91.9 F.M.
It's easy to bash the president, I can't look back in life and remember one that didn't get the third degree, that's how sick thing's are getting in our culture, the President's who didn't get looked at unfavorably were one's that weren't scared to call our nation to prayer and repentance, long before my time.
Trump could do everything perfectly, but then he'd have to be crucified like Jesus because that's how the world treat's perfection.
Some people never will be satisfied.
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PermalinkI usually stay out of politics and political debate, and I should probably stay out of this conversation, but I feel I must toss in my two cents worth on any implication of Trump being anything near perfection. Yes, I voted for him, but my vote was not so much a vote FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary. If she'd been running against Charlie Manson, I'd be voting Manson.
That being said, I'm thoroughly convinced that Trump is an entirely ego driven narcissist who, once he declared as a candidate, was willing to say and do exactly what the polls tell him favors the largest percentage of voters. He sure switched positions on the family separations quickly when the tide of public opinion turned on him. I am amused when people accuse him of being racist, for it is my opinion that he has monochromatic vision.....green and green alone. He has no interest in anything that doesn't either buffer his coffers or his approval rating.
His presidential term started with a urinating contest with Korea's Kim and now, suddenly he is taking credit for pacification of a nuclear war thirsty nation. Yet there has been very little if any coverage or connection to the fact that Kim has been visiting China's Ping a lot lately. I fully suspect that they recognize they're dealing with a political peer unlike any they've ever seen and have devised a plan to play Trumps ego against him, opening the door for a Communist power grab unlike any ever seen. Does anyone really think Kim is worthy of any degree of trust? Not I, and any prospective agreement that involves reduction of US and S Korean defenses should not be accepted.
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PermalinkIsn't that the general tactic of anyone who wishes to be President? To play the polls? How will you be voted for if you don't play the polls right? Didn't Obama do the same thing? Made promise after promise that went unfulfilled? At least Trump hold's his hand over his heart for the anthem, and doesn't go to Europe to talk about how America has shown arrogance... Or apologize to the Muslim world, "We have not been perfect", or the apology for the war on terror.
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PermalinkI neglected to add that I am continually amazed that Trumps' base, primarily middle class, blue collar WASPs', actually believe that Trump understands them, feels their pain, and can identify with our ( since I'm basically one of the above) difficulties and disappointment with federal government. Nothing could be further from the truth, born into a family of privilege, Trump has never been laid off and wondered how he'll pay the rent, never earned his money through labor requiring steel-toe boots and hard hats. He's never relied on annual tax refunds to pay for necessities. He frankly reminds me of Richie Rich and Little Lord Fauntleroy, and always has a temper tantrum in his pocket should he not get his way.
Throughout the primaries, I kept thinking working class America would wake up to his true nature and give him the boot, but that did not happen. I hope that either party can field a candidate who has no need for Twitter, will stand for his/her beliefs regardless of consequence, and does not contradict themselves daily.
I saw a B grade movie several years ago, Idiocracy, released in 2006 and I laughed at the true absurdity it portrayed. However, the things happening here now lead me to believe that it was more prophetic than absurd.
On a side note, a wise man once observed that since there is a highway to hell and only a stairway to heaven, much can be derived from the anticipated traffic numbers. I submit most will be carrying handbaskets.
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PermalinkCajun, a similar work comes to mind in this environment, that being the story "The Marching Morons" by C.M. Kornbluth.
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PermalinkEven more relevant than Idiocracy, and more impressive considering it was from the 50's. Granted, I didn't read it yet, just the Cliff's notes from Wikepedia.....
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PermalinkIt's a good read, amigo, and disturbing when we look at the "deplorables" of today.
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PermalinkSickening left wing "eugenics" at it's finest... Sounding more and more like Nazi theology every day... The last time I heard the term "deplorable's", was from Hillary's famous speech about Trump supporters. Insult million's of American's and laugh about it, what a shame.
There is a real "battle" going on in America right now, but it is one of idea's... Sadly, when God isn't the most important to us, the battle is won to secular humanism, or eugenics, or self-ism... Pick any number of things to call it, the point is, when we miss what God has revealed to us, and begin to think we know more than Him, we're in a bad spot as a Nation.
When was the last time any of you realized that God is the ultimate authority? The one who gave the powers that be, their position? Or even better, when was the last time you prayed for Trump to have wisdom and to lead us to a place that God would be glorified and pleased with?
Fight as you might, my I.Q. is higher than 100 and I'm not getting sent to Venus because of your despising me for not solving all of humanities problems.
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PermalinkYou may have >100 IQ, but how did you conclude anyone despises you? No one here is promoting the governmental policies illustrated in a 1950's science fiction novel. The sole point of any reference to Idocracy or The Marching Morons is the apparent decline of mass human intelligence. I've done no scientific studies, but I believe that fewer and fewer people here in the USA are capable of communicating in the English language as you and I do. I also think that the uneducated and under-educated are reproducing at a higher rate than those with advanced degrees, which could have a very detrimental effect in the long term.
I have every hope and wish for Trump to lead us to the promised land and solve all of societies woes. I just fear that he is incapable.
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PermalinkI was being facetious. Forgive me... I disagree with many of the extreme leftist agenda's, which seem to be contributing factor's to the rise in "idiocracy". I don't think all Democrat's or liberal's are my enemy, I don't agree with every Republican.
I don't have problem's with people, I do have problem's with certain idea's that have become more prevalent today. To consider those of less intelligence as less human is offensive.
I was more off-put by Ex-pat's reference to "deplorable's", which is a comment that dehumanizes in it's implication.
Let's not forget that we have people out there like MSNBC's Donny Deutsch, who equate's American's voting for Trump, with being guard's in a Nazi concentration camp...
When you get such information being shoved down your neck, as someone who doesn't research what's going on for yourself, what we end up with is folks that are something akin to being brainwashed. People operate off their emotion's without ever doing a shred of digging into the topic's and simply regurgitate what's on the tube... Or internet.
The C.I.A. doesn't need to slip L.S.D. to American's anymore to study the effect's of mind control, we have media platform's for that now.
We are in desperate need of communicating the truth about issue's on both side's of whatever problem arises... Not extremist opinion's and lies.
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PermalinkOK, in my previous "implication's" rant, I did give an extremely weak apology at the beginning.
I do want to take the time to seriously apologize to all whom I have spoken to for my sharp tongued tactics. I don't wish to be the master of the "cold cut" tongue. Being sarcastic, facetious and quick to shoot down, don't give my message any better credibility. I need to work on that, hopefully, you guys will forgive me and hear the message I present, rather than being put off by the messenger.
Just thought it would be only right to put that out there.
I in no way apologize for the truth's that I have spoken. Just the way I delivered them.
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PermalinkI know how it feels to realize someone has read my written thoughts and interpreted them differently than I originally intended. I like this open dialogue here and respect everyone's opinion, even if it is wrong. (Sarcasm)
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