Pipe Hauler Turns into Passing Traffic, Ford Focus Crushed on U.S. 67 North


A red pickup pulling the trailer full of pipe and the silver Ford Focus were both northbound on US 67 approximately four miles north of the US 277 cutoff on the way to Ballinger.

The red pickup with the trailer was in the right, outside lane when it initiated a left hand turn across the left lane. But before the pipe hauler’s intentions were known to the driver of the Ford Focus behind him, the Focus attempted to pass the pickup and trailer in the same left hand lane.

As a result, the Focus struck the trailer.

According to LIVE! member Trsitan Granzin, who was on the scene just after the crash happened, a member of the Miles VFD happened to be driving by and stopped to assist. The Focus driver, a female, and her daughter, who was in the back seat strapped in a car seat, were not injured. Tom Green County Sheriff's Deputies were assisting at the scene as well, according to Granzin.

There were no injuries. All occupants were wearing their seatbelts. The driver of the truck and trailer was issued a citation for making a left turn from the right lane.

DPS Trooper Dykstra was the investigating officer.

San Angelo LIVE! member Tristan Granzin broke this story by sending photos from his phone.

The time of the accident was aprroximately 4:30 p.m. Saturday.

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The driver of the gray car is lucky on two accounts, that she and her child were not injured and the second stroke of luck is that it was a farmer who caused her car to become totaled. Farmers are rich and she will be getting a brand new car now that will be paid off and clear of a lien thanks to him.
The comment about farmers being rich puzzles me. While some farmers are more affluent than others, it is not typically a profession that is associated with wealth. Regardless, the attitude of someone gaining wealth due to a mishap is hurting all of us. I feel that the driver of the car should not suffer because of the negligence of the truck driver, but to say that she would be 'getting a brand new car now that will be paid off and clear of a lien' is unjust.
Totally agree with your comment, Mr. Gill. Presuming all farmers are rich is part of our country's problems. Assuming the farmer will pay for the lady's new car and she'll be debt free is also part of our country's problems. Why is it that those that have something are automatically expected to pay, pay, pay? I am sorry for the lady's accident and grateful she and her child are alright but gosh, isn't there more to this story than a new car?
How does everyone know that her car had a lien on it, it may have been paid for? My money says that at the time she was more concerned about her child than the car.

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