Mysterious Fire Erupts Near Scene of Sunday's Murder-Suicide


Tuesday evening at around 11 p.m., Tom Green County Sheriff's Dept., Wall Volunteer Fire Dept, and E. Concho Fire Dept. fought a blaze on an older RV that likely was on the property of Sunday's murder-suicide. The fire lit up the dark nighttime sky.

Sherriff's Deputies had the roads blocked off, and being private property, we were only able to gain a glimpse of the fire fighting operations through clandestine means from Sykes Rd., approximately 1/4 mile south.

The fire appeared to be localized around an older model RV and possibly a vehicle on the Timm property. The property is located on Old FM 380, east of San Angelo, towards Veribest.

Sherriff's Dept. and volunteer fire dept. personnel on the scene were mum, instructing us to contact the Tom Green County Sheriff's Dept. in the morning. The incident was an "ongoing investigation" they said.

On Sunday, Tyree Timm was murdered by her live-in boyfriend of 32 years, John McDonald. According to the Sheriff, the couple had split, and McDonald lived in an RV on the Timm property. Tyree Timm had returned to the property Sunday afternoon to gather her belongings and leave. McDonald met her outside with a handgun and shot Timm in the back and then turned the gun on himself. McDonald was pronounced dead at the scene. Timm died later at Shannon Medical Center.

We believe the RV where McDonald was living was the location of Tuesday night's blaze. 

As of last night, no one in an official capacity was talking.

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It was most likely a calling card left by the devil as he came to collect the killers soul....
woodsy, Wed, 04/02/2014 - 08:56
I had heard that a Deputy was present when Tyree was shot. A witness said she was shot right in front of the Deputy. I don't want to believe that and I understand how rumors go. But I also understand the outcome of a neglegence lawsuit and the only way to actually destroy evidence leaving no trace is to burn it. Awful convienent a fire breaks out destroying or contaminating the evidence.
woodsy, Wed, 04/02/2014 - 10:59
I think the FBI or other Fededal Agency needs to investigate the Sheriff's Department. No good ole Texas boys. Someone from the East coast who could care less about Texas that will conduct a true impartial complete investigation with total disreguard of where the evidence leads. I heard there is evidence she provided to law enforcement that he wrote notes to her making death threats. In addition if you call any Law Enforcement Agency the protocol for a citizen requesting an officer to escort them to remove their property from a dangerous situation is the officer escorts them and does NOT leave even IF the requestor tells them to. No matter what that officer leaves when the requestor leaves to ensure saftey of all parties involved.
All of you that are so quick to jump on the "I hate law enforcement" band wagon should really check your facts first. First of all, why don't you go request a copy of the report taken from when the deputy went out there the first time and when they returned for the murder before you make assumptions about what they should have done or what they did do and about what kind of training they go through. Secondly, why does a murder/suicide followed by a fire turn into a bashing of the sheriff's office. Grow up and stop acting like any of this was the deputy's fault. Law enforcement is a public service job. He assisted her until she said she no longer needed it and he left her with someone who she felt safe with. No one could have prevented Mcdonald from doing what he intended to do so stop pointing fingers and trying to throw a guy under the bus that has to live with the fact someone he tried to help died. And just fyi, if there had been any death threats made to her that the deputy had been aware of, he wouldn't have left. Terrorist threats are not taken lightly by law enforcement.
bebop, Thu, 04/03/2014 - 14:11
what's a shooter gonna say "I'm going to shoot her, yes." No, they're going to say "nothing to see here, she's a hysterical woman, no need to stay" Cops and deputies need to be trained that when someone is VERY CALM, it can be just as alarming and a clue as someone who is hysterical...sometimes, the CALM person has made a decision, and is just waiting to act on that decision. This woman should never, NEVER have been left alone without a deputy. Never. Judgment should be used -- not the words of those who called in the first place.
bebop, Thu, 04/03/2014 - 14:15
Her kind neighbor Larry, who I have known for years, did his best to help this woman, who, forgive the expression -- was a sitting duck. But Larry is lucky he was not dispatched with as well. Law enforcement should be alert to what could happen. This is not a criticism of all law enforcement, as I have a few that are friends. Part of their job involves psychology, reading subtext..."feeling" the situation. Don't let a threatened person decide what is best, if their possible assailant is still in the area. The guy should have been watched or removed until this wheelchair bound woman was ready to leave safely. Someone dropped the ball, here.

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