Officers Respond to Woman Walking Around with Gun


Monday, at approximately 11:52 a.m., San Angelo Police responded to the 2900 block of Waco Street for the report of a female subject who was reportedly walking in the roadway while holding a rifle.

Upon arrival, officers located the female subject who was carrying what appeared to be a rifle.  The woman was not pointing the rifle at anyone or making any threats.

Officers made contact with the woman and gave her multiple commands to drop the gun.  The woman, who initially did not respond to their commands, eventually dropped the gun and was taken into custody without incident.  The woman never made any threatening statements or movements towards the officers.

The woman, a 25-year-old San Angelo resident, was released to the custody of Tom Green County Mental Health Deputies.  The gun was determined to be a pellet gun.

No charges were filed. 



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And when this nutcase shoots you or your kids we'll see what the 2nd amendment means to you then. I fully support the 2nd amendment and believe that law abiding citizens should be allowed to own/carry firearms but when the micromanaging Liberals want to make a case for tightening the noose on gun control, they'll point to "Ms. I feel like roaming the streets with a pellet gun" and those of the same mentality.
The problem with situations like this is, even though she was turned over to people with butterfly nets, until she is judged to be a mental defective in a court of law, she can still legally buy & own firearms. It's the only REAL hole in the current background check system. While healthcare professionals are encouraged to add names to the FBI/NICS database, they're not required to do so, even in the case of a patient with a violent history. We're all lucky she didn't put somebody's eye out.
well after our recent shooting of our bottle carrying man, we would expect over reaction to bb guns, pellet guns, and even sling shots...

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