SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo will be having its first Free The Weed Walk Saturday to promote the legalization of marijuana in Texas.
The walk will begin at the Kids Kingdom at 334 W. River Drive from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Cannabis Open Carry Walks are being hosted all around Texas to try and get the state’s attention and bring about the recreational and medical use of marijuana by 2019.
The participants will be carrying signs that promote the legalization of marijuana, information on the topic, flyers, and banners. The walk is not going to promote any illegal activity at the event.
Marijuana is still illegal and you can get in trouble with the law for bringing illegal substances to the event. This event is to educate and inform the public while creating an atmosphere of love.
“Our goal is to be so consistent and everywhere, so much that there is no ignoring this movement,” said the Cannabis Open Carry Walk flyer.
The group is not affiliated with any group or political party. However, anyone and everyone is welcome to walk and learn about the other side of the political restraint of marijuana.
For more information on the event go to the Facebook page, Cannabis Open Carry Walks.
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Some people obviously have too much time on their hands. Get out and do something for the community that is positive rather than promoting getting stoned. Your little slogan on your FB page : "We use cannabis and don`t give a damn what anyone thinks" says it all. Pull your head out of your entrails and look at doing something less selfish...
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Permalinkthe person at their keyboard doing nothing with their time but trolling the internet and complaining.
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PermalinkNice well thought out reply there Jeff L.
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