Murder Victim was Trying to Leave When She was Shot


On March 30, at 10:09 a.m., the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office received a request to meet with Tyree Timm at an address on St Anthony Street, in the county in reference to a civil standby.

Upon arrival, the Tom Green County deputy interviewed and obtained a statement from Timm in reference to alleged threats being made by John McDonald, the person she had been living with.

After giving a statement to the deputy, Timm requested the deputy follow her to her residence located at 6177 Old Highway 380 to retrieve her belongings.

Prior to arriving at the residence, Timm had contacted a neighbor to obtain assistance in retrieving her belongings. John McDonald was not present at Timm's residence when the deputy and Timm arrived at the house on Old Highway 380.

While Timm started packing her belongings, the Tom Green County deputy made contact with John McDonald, who was living in a travel trailer at the rear of the property where Timm and McDonald had lived before they separated.

The deputy obtained a written statement from McDonald in reference to the alleged threats against Timm, in which McDonald claimed he had a verbal argument with Timm on March 28 but had not made any threats toward her.

During the interview by the deputy, McDonald was observed to be calm; he made no statement to indicate he was upset or angry and had no actions to indicate he intended to harm Timm.

The deputy then again contacted Timm at her residence. Timm told the deputy that she was not finished packing her belongings and it would be some time before she finished. She said that her neighbor was going to assist her in finishing up and she felt safe with the neighbor being present. She then advised the deputy that it would not be necessary for him to remain while she finished packing.The deputy left Timm's residence at 12:18 p.m. and returned to service.

At 1:13 p.m., the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office dispatch received a call from Timm's neighbor, advising that John McDonald had shot Timm and then himself.

Deputies and paramedics arrived on scene shortly thereafter and attended to Timm. McDonald was deceased at the scene.

Tyree Timm was transported to Shannon Hospital where she succumbed to her injuries. Justice of the Peace Eddie Howard has ordered autopsies to be performed on both subjects.

This investigation is an ongoing investigation being conducted by the Tom Green County Sheriffs Office.

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Johnny/Tyree, What in the world happened? Johnny was always a laid back, easy going guy. Tyree was just perfect. I guess something changed since I saw them last 38 years ago. So sad.
woodsy, Tue, 04/01/2014 - 09:48

Sounds like the Sheriff's Office is busy trying to cover their rear ends. This is pure negligence on their behalf and the Texas Rangers need to investigate this tragedy not the Department who's actions contributed to the outcome!

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