SAN ANGELO, TX -- There’s no easy way to report this story. Cameras are not allowed in District Courtrooms in the Tom Green County Courthouse or this story would not need any words.
William Claude Gregory pleaded guilty to evading arrest in District Judge Jay Weatherby’s 340th District Court Wednesday. Gregory has tattoos. He has many tattoos. His arms are tattooed, his neck is tattooed, his face is tattooed.
And the back of his head is tattooed.
Gregory pleaded guilty to one count of evading arrest and was sentenced to two years in state prison. None of that is necessarily newsworthy. Unfortunately, his appearance is.
There are no photographs of Gregory’s court appearance and his mugshots don’t show the back of his head.
William Claude Gregory, at some point in his 24 years of life, decided to have the words F*** YOU tattooed on the back of his head. In BIG Letters, and I mean BIG Letters. Now, I’m no prude. And I’m no stranger to prison tattoos.
But Gregory’s F*** YOU tattoo shocked me and the two uniformed police officers, the elderly couple seated in front of us, and even the two ladies who work for the court system.
Gregory is now a convict and has been remanded to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to complete his two year sentence.
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Those prisoners might see that as an invitation lol don't drop the soap moron.
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