Eight Democrats Who Want to Be Governor of Texas Will Debate in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Ten Texans are running in the March Democrat primary for a chance to be on the November ballot for Governor of Texas and eight of them will be in San Angelo Monday night.  

According to information from the Tom Green County Democrat Party, Jeffery Payne, Adrian Ocegueda, Andrew White, Demetria Smith, Joe Mumbach, Cedric Davis Sr., Lupe Valdez, and Tom Wakely will attend the candidate forum.

The Democrat Governor Candidate Forum is from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts,  For more information, call David Currie at 325-374-2099.  


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Disease is treatable. The Republican Party is a cult and trump is at the controls of the mother ship.

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