SAN ANGELO, TX — Congressman Michael Conaway, (R) Midland, held a town hall meeting in San Angelo Tuesday evening. City Council chambers at the McNease Convention center were full.
Conaway discussed repealing Obamacare and tax reform before opening the meeting to questions. There was a lot of discussion about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program.
The Congressman who represents San Angelo said President Trump was right to rescind President Obama’s executive order. “President Trump’s done the right thing to put it back into Congress’s lap.”
Conaway told the crowd that Speaker Paul Ryan has set up a task force to address immigration and create legislation to fix it. “There’s some things I’d like to see in it. One of them would be if we do come up with a process where they can move into a legal status, that they would not be able to petition to get their parents in under that program because the parents are actually the ones who broke the law.”
Conaway says it’s a complex issue, but “Deporting those kids does not make sense to me,” he said. “Deporting the ones who are thugs are in gangs or have otherwise broke the law, absolutely.”
Without using the term amnesty for the Dreamers, the Congressman seemed open to the idea, “I think it’s appropriate to come up with a path that gets them to a legal status of some sort.”
Conaway says securing the border is the top priority to address illegal immigration. “Everything, DACA included, starts with gaining operational control of the border. Controlling the border is job one,” Conaway said. “We need to control the Visa program within the United States. Forty percent of the folks who are here illegally came by a legal Visa and just stayed.”
Conaway also answered a question about the $20 trillion deficit. “It has been borrowed or stolen from future generations of Americans. Our children, grand children, great grandchildren, great great grand children will be paying the interest on that debt.”
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Amnesty=getting voted out of office.
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PermalinkAre there ANY other countries in the world that allow children brought in illegally to stay in that country? I'm guessing there aren't. I'm not a racist or any of the other current labels that are popular, and doubtfully any that will replace them soon. I'm not anti-immigration. But I do support the rule of law. In fact, that is who we are!!!!! I'm pretty sure Joseph Kerr is right.
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PermalinkI'm not sure who keeps voting for this guy but you need to STOP IT! He does not vote for Conservative principles. He talks the talk but he doesn't vote the vote!
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PermalinkI don't know who keeps voting for this guy but they need to stop it! He does talk the talk, but then he doesn't vote the vote! If you want Conservative principles upheld, this isn't your guy and never has been.
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PermalinkI agree that Conaway is not as conservative as he purports himself to be. However,when compared to Drew Darby---and worst of all, Mike Cornyn---he comes in as a middle of the road conservative. imo.
I would definitely vote for a more conservative candidate if one were to run against any of the previously mentioned politicians!
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