Houston Harte Expressway Construction Update


SAN ANGELO, TX — Over the past several days, even while the Houston Harte Expressway has been reduced to one lane, construction crews were not present. That has many wondering what is the status of the project?

According to the San Angelo office of the Texas Department of Transportation, the lull in activity of workers and equipment on the closed lane on the Houston Harte is planned.

[[{"fid":"30972","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Reece Albert road crews race to complete the service road near TLCA school before school starts in August. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","title":"Reece Albert road crews race to complete the service road near TLCA school before school starts in August. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)","height":"675","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview"}}]]
Above: Reece Albert road crews race to complete the service road near TLCA school before school starts in August. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

Over the past week, construction crews have instead concentrated on the southbound frontage road near the Texas Leadership Charter Academy (TLCA). TxDOT hopes to have the frontage road completed before school starts.

“Because of the amount of clay near Red Arroyo, we had to lime stabilize the subgrade and let it cure before laying a 4” hotmix bond breaker in order to have a stable surface for the 10.5-inch reinforced concrete pavement,” stated William McLane, Assistant Area Engineer for TxDOT.

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That new cement access road that runs in front of Suddenlink and out to Sherwood Way, I sure hope there is still something left that they have to do to it before it's finished. That one lane that is open is brand spanking new but reminds me of driving on Bell Street..... It is rough and and full of ups and downs through the whole length of it........

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