San Angelo Police Say Goodbye to a Legacy


Today at 4 p.m., San Angelo Police, family, friends and citizens gathered at the McNease Convention Center to say goodbye to Chief Tim Vasquez and Assistant Chief Jeff Fant. Vasquez and Fant retired after more than 20 years of service (more here).

At the age of 19, Vasquez joined SAPD as a dispatch officer and moved up the ranks. He was elected as chief in 2004.

During his speech, Vasquez told those who gathered that, since leaving his post, he’s enjoyed a bit of time off.

“I’m wearing shorts and t-shirts right now, enjoying the time off. But I want to make it known today that I’m in the job market, and I am officially retired from the San Angelo Police Department for now,” Vasquez said.

Vasquez added that he loves the community and hopes to find work here.

“My family’s here; my friends are here, and this is home and will always be home,” he said.

Vasquez noted that he will give it some time before seeking work elsewhere. He has to decide if his love for his community will override his love for policing. He said he feels God has a plan for him whether that’s to remain in San Angelo, or being a chief at another department somewhere else. He even mentioned possibly running for another public office, or trying again for chief in San Angelo when the time comes.

“Only He knows the things that are ahead of me,” Vasquez said.

After his remarks, Mayor Dwain Morrison addressed those in attendance.

He explained how he and his wife were at a Mariachi program when everything stopped for the announcement that Vasquez had won the Chief of Police election in 2004.

“He got a standing ovation in the auditorium—a standing ovation in the City Auditorium for being elected chief,” Morrison said.

He added that when he decided to run for mayor, he followed what Vasquez had done.

“He was able to go into this town, and he was able to influence people all over this town of all races, all cultures, whether rich or poor, and he was able to talk to them; he was able to interact with them, and they supported him. When I decided to run for mayor, I said, ‘I am going to follow the exact same thing that Tim did.’”  

Mayor Morrison then pinpointed some important things Vasquez did during his reign, and added, “I’m very proud of you.”

Other people came up to have their say about how Vasquez and Fant affected their lives during their time at SAPD.

After hearing the reflections of those who knew them, Vasquez and Fant went through the crowd smiling, hugging and shaking hands of the people in attendance.

In a discussion with LIVE!, Vasquez said today was the day for culminating his and Fant’s retirement.

In regards to his immediate plans, Vasquez said he’s not sure what comes next, but he reiterated that he’s hoping he can stay in San Angelo.

“If I could find a way to have employment here, I would stay,” he said. “I don’t know what God has in store for me—what doors are going to open. If it’s being a chief somewhere else in another city, then that may be something I have to look into.”

In a final message to the citizens of San Angelo, Vasquez said, “I love San Angelo. I love the citizens, and I want to remind them that the men and women at the San Angelo Police Department work hard for them. Those men and women are committed to community safety. [The citizens] are doing a great job supporting the department, and always have. Thank you for allowing me to serve as long as I did.”

Assistant Chief Fant said he has worn many hats during his time at SAPD, and joked that he’s now adding retiree to the fray.

On a more serious note, he said he’s closed a chapter of his life, and he’s looking forward to what comes next.

“The next part of the chapter is the best part of the story,” Fant noted.

Fant said he looks forward to doing bigger and better things. Unlike Vasquez, Fant plans to move on to other places and other opportunities.

He pointed out that he’s spent half his life with SAPD, but he’s looking forward to moving on. He said there’s nothing definite right now, but there are currently a few possibilities in the works.

After the ceremony, John Fuentes, owner of Fuentes Café Downtown, hosted a celebration for Vasquez and Fant.

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Concho, Fri, 07/29/2016 - 10:07

Former chief and one assistant chief retired. One assistant chief remains as an assistant chief. What happened to the other missing chief? Did he retire or go back to previous position?

Dirty Hairy is dirty hairy , he fouls the air , with the stink of hate , racism and stupidity . Start packing your bags to leave the country , because Hillary is going to be the next president of the United States of America . I don't know where you will go , , maybe to the middle east , where hate rules , but i doubt they would let you in , because you are too stupid . Keep the good work up Brandy , maybe you can run for office some day , you are certainly smart enough .

I do hate some things.
I hate stupidity. I hate ignorance and people are satisfied to stay in such a state.
I hate it when someone or group attacks my country and I'm told I need to be tolerant.
I hate it when something as precious as our right to vote has been violated and maligned to allow someone such as Hillary to even be able to run, rather be sitting in prison where she belongs.
I hate it that we can no longer have faith in ANY person or group to morally and justly lead this great nation.
And finally, I hate it that this nation is turning its back on our Father in Heaven. It doesn't take a genius to see where that is taking us.

And please remember one thing.
Tens of thousands of men and women have paid the ultimate price that YOU may have the ability to openly believe, practice, and live the way you choose. You would not have that privilege without the continued courage of those that defend you and this country everyday. But most certainly those that defend your rights could EASILY exist without you.

Coming from a family that has served in every war since the Alamo and earlier , and having served myself , i feel that i can truly say that i am an American . First off , the only people wanting to take away peoples right to vote are the republicans , in Texas they instituted all kinds of registration and ID laws , which by the way were struck down last week . Secondly secretary Clinton , and soon to be President Hillary Clinton , has committed no crimes that warrant jail time . It has been proven time and time again by the courts . I know that your cognitive abilities are some what limited but let me put it simply , not guilty on all charges . What a waste of taxpayer money ! As far as morality is concerned , " there you go again " it is not my right to try to impose my beliefs on any one . If that person is wanting to marry a real pig , fine with me , it's none of my business or yours . Judge not lest ye be judged ! I don't expect secretary Clinton to carry Texas , but mind you she will gain enough votes to win . Of course idiots like you will want to indict her for winning the election . I don't know if you are an independent or a republican , it doesn't matter , what does matter is , if you are looking for a real criminal , you need look no further than Donald Trump . Please , don't break out the poison punch and make your family drink it . Among other criminal acts Trump has committed , is fraud for his fake university , bilking thousands of small business , of money , failure to pay contractors, for work that was done on one of his many buildings , hiring illegal aliens , yes that what i said illegal aliens . And on and on and on . The latest accusations are that he still owes the Russians millions and has borrowed from them several times over the past few years . Of course they will never be able to indict him on collaborating and trying to rig the election with the help of the Russians , but clearly he is guilty of treason . Of course you will not believe any of these true facts , but if you can have one of your kids read the facts to you . I could go on and on , but it wouldn't make any difference to you or people like you . God bless you !

Normally i wouldn't respond to a low class statement like this but ... Didn't your country maw ever learn you no manners . If'n you aint got nutin good to say , keep yo trap shut ! Need I say more .

Mr. Otis, You might want to re-read the Statement form Director James Comey. Mrs. Clinton, who I will remind you was the former first Lady and a US Senator for 2 terms, was found to be "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."
Mr. Otis you said you are former Military and I ask you would you have been as careless as her with you top secret information, that is if you had top-secret clearance to begin with. My now deceased father was a retired Capt form the air force, my brother is retired from the Navy and I have several uncle's who also served in the military and they all agree that her actions were not just neglectful but had she been in the military, she would have been dis-honorably discharged and been persecuted to the furthest extent of the law regardless or her "I didn't know it was classified attitude". However it seems that she is getting away with out even slap on the wrist. She may not have had the intent, but the offices she has held as a Senator as well as at the state department and as the first Lady, she knew that she should not be using a private email for classified information. Or should we look at her as a ignorant child and not the 70 something political leader that she is. I am all for having a woman president, but not her, not with her self stated lack of knowledge of classified information.
I personally see my self as independent as a voter, and I would like to have a third option on our ballot of (go back and try again). Neither candidate in my mind is qualified or has the moral or values need to lead America.

On topic, enjoy your retirement, Mr. Vasquez and Mr. Fant.

Concho, Tue, 08/02/2016 - 18:56

My only comment is that mishandling of classified information by senior government officials without being prosecuted is nothing new. I believe Robert McNamara, while Secretary of Defense, was photographed in public with classified information dangling from a folder he held in his hand. The classified information was clearly visible. As best I remember, it didn't even make a blip in the newspapers and mostly was discussed by those who understood the significance of what was shown. Of course, that was at a time when Al Gore had yet to invent the internet.

The reason he recommended that they not persecute is because there is no DA that will take up the case. The department of justice is as corrupt as the justice system her in San Angelo. Mr. Comey's tone if you listened to the conference would tell you how disgusted he is at this fact. The Clinton's own most of Washington because of their Clinton foundation that they use to support certain causes of these politicians so that they will not move against them even when they have clearly broken the law. She was only not guilty of "intent" not that she did not break the law.

By the way, when you refer to Morlock, which version are you referring too? There are several, two types by H.G. Wells and then several other definition by other authors.

We will be living in a nuclear wasteland , and the Russians will take over , not that there will be anything left worth fighting for , much less having the resources to start a new investigation . The Russians will wonder , why did those dumb Americans make him their king , they had every thing , it was the greatest country in the world !

We won't need Earth once Emperor Trump has completed his first 4 years of interplanetary conquest.

Hope this helps.

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