Message from the San Angelo Coalition of Police President


Note: This message was provided by Melinda Smith

The SACOP (San Angelo Coalition of Police), which is the local chapter organization of CLEAT (the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas), in cooperation with SAPOA ( the San Angelo Police Officers Association), TMPA (the Texas Municipal Police Association) affiliated organization, recently conducted a Management Survey of the San Angelo Police Department.

Prior to conducting the survey, both local associations held special called meetings and members of both unions voted to conduct the survey.  

On April 20th 2016, the survey was conducted through a widely used survey software program. The survey was provided to all sworn officers who are members of either local association and not elected or appointed in their current position.   

Prior to the public release of the survey, the motion was presented to both memberships of the local associations and they overwhelmingly voted to release the results publicly.

It should be noted that NO member observed the results prior to the release to the public.

Objectively, the membership voted to release the information not knowing the results and to willingly accept the results, whatever they were.

The members of SACOP and SAPOA joined in this effort to conduct a fair and honest assessment of their department and its leadership.

All voting was conducted in accordance with organizational policies and by-laws.

The local associations represent the Police Officers who work at the San Angelo Police Department and provide a voice for those Officers.

Sgt. Doug Thomas
Interim, SACOP President

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Sigman, Sat, 05/28/2016 - 21:41

I have some concerns about the Management Survey of the San Angelo Police Department conducted by "SACOP (San Angelo Coalition of Police), which is the local chapter organization of CLEAT (the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas), in cooperation with SAPOA ( the San Angelo Police Officers Association), TMPA (the Texas Municipal Police Association) affiliated organization." The author of this writing states "On April 20th 2016, the survey was conducted through a widely used survey software program. The survey was provided to all sworn officers who are members of either local association and not elected or appointed in their current position." My question is whether the results of this survey truly reflect the opinions of "ALL SAN ANGELO POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICERS CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE CITY OF SAN ANGELO, TX.?" If, as stated by the writer of this article, the survey was provided to to all sworn officers who "ARE" members of either local association and "NOT" elected or appointed in their current position" then it possible that this survey does not truly reflect the opinion of "ALL SAN ANGELO POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICERS?" I'm concerned that this survey may not truly reflect the opinions of "ALL SAN ANGELO POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICERS." Is it possible that there are San Angelo Police Department Officers who might not be "MEMBERS" of the above mentioned organizations. IF this is the case, then clearly there are problems with this survey. This leads one to believe that there may be a "HIDDEN AGENDA." Citizens of San Angelo, TX, I am all about change, but reporting needs to be totally accurate and it needs to be "FAIR" to all of those involved in the election! "INTEGRITY OF THIS MANAGEMENT STUDY" is questionable and may need further vetting.

I'll be glad to read your opinions when you can identify yourself and not hide behind a "nickname." The officers on the streets are having their lives put in danger by their own chief. They will tell you that themselves. I support my officers doing the real work, and not politicking themselves into grandeur, false position of themselves. It is not invalid information, it is the truth. And when people don't like the truth, they begin the uneducated, uninformed debate.

Its very clear that survey was not completed by ALL Police Officers in San Angelo. Its also very clear the survey was put out for the public to make the current Chief of Police look bad and make people want to vote for Frank Carter. That is a very under handed thing to do and not to nice of you CLEAT people. Your survey pretty much was not worth a thing and it just caused a bunch of unnecessary mess. Which makes your group look bad and you do not have much of a leader to do that kind of thing in the first place. What kind of leader would do something like that. I believe its been said the people in this group took the survey twice well gee that really makes the survey invalid for sure. The person over the group had to resign also and could not say why? Gee I wonder why can not show his face around the police department after being part of a group like this taking surveys that are untrue and then making them public. Hum... I would cover my face too... oh and
PS who in this world would have the nerve to continue to work in the department and then run against their boss Frank Carter does my my rules...I wonder if there are any on that subject... or if one has any heart left after this race serve and protect....

Sorry the "person over the group" resigned, also known as terminated by Tim for not producing the preferred outcome. The current chief of police made himself look bad, by his faulty and lacking leadership. Perhaps you should speak to the officers who work under him day after day. Tim's supporter's drive elderly and newly registered citizens to vote. Other candidates do not do that. We did not have the drug cartel increasing our violent crime rate and increase the drug issues in town before Tim became chief of police. Get out and talk to the real citizens, and even better, the staff that works with Tim, day in and day out, that are open to tell you the truth. And as far as Jeff's discretion, which is how a real officer operates, Tim has had several discretionary actions appropriate to him as well. Driving intoxicated would be an arrest for most people. I hope I didn't put a leak in your bubble that you live in Ms. Wade. The whole world can't be wrong, and you right.

live, Tue, 05/31/2016 - 10:20

The CLEAT president resigned from CLEAT, an unpaid volunteer position. He was not terminated by Chief Vasquez.

I am not aware of a drug cartel in San Angelo. 

We cannot find any record of a DWI arrest of Chief Vasquez. We do have a record of his opponent's arrest, but it was in 1986, and I am not certain it really matters in 2016, 30 years later.

I'm not taking sides, but clarifying the facts.

Sigman, Tue, 05/31/2016 - 13:28

Well readers, once again Karen Freeman is out to criticize anyone who attempts to post their point of view regarding the upcoming Chief of Police election. Now, she is even going so far as to to post lies about the "CLEAT" President who resigned from his position. Then she goes on babbling about other issues that are not factual and not relevant to this election. She rambles on suggesting that those who post rants here "live in bubbles" and that "The whole world can't be wrong, and you right. She boast about her 22 years in the nursing profession and often makes statements suggesting that "she" is the only one who is right! REALLY?? Honestly, if I were a practicing nurse in this community and had knowledge of the comments you are posting on this venue, I would be very embarrassed! I'm sure that those in the nursing profession would want to alienate themselves from you because of your unprofessional behavior. Yes, you have a right, as we do, to express personal views, but do so in a civil manner. You should stop "airing dirty laundry" and "STOP" attacking everyone! Try to be more positive about this election as I'm sure that the "better man" will win. If the possible outcome of this election is so troubling to you, then perhaps you should consider other alternatives. "NURSE RATCHET, CHILL!"

El sly, I will not apologize for so passionately wanting to make the public aware of the need for change for the safety of citizens. I also will not apologize for my comments. Do a little further investigation, and not a local criminal records information site. I will give you the credit for realizing that I can no longer care about the children or parents of this town. You are correct, it is not my concern. I can only pray for the innocent lives that will be affected by people living with blinders on. I lived with blinders on, and minded my own business. If the crime didn't involve me, the I voiced,"how terrible." I won't bother attempting to act on that sentiment any further. I wish you luck.

I hear a lot of total bologna about Chief Vasquez being associated with 'the cartel', not just on here, but there is really nothing to suggest anything like that. It's reckless, borderline racist, speech. I'm not a huge supporter of the establishment, but pinning the drug and crime problem on the chief of police is short-sighted and ill-informed. Drugs have sky-rocketed throughout the United States, they're now calling it an epidemic in a lot of communities. I really hate seeing people stoop to the level of slander, especially when there's plenty of legitimate complaints.

You can question the integrity of the survey by how many officers took the survey all you want but it is a losing argument.

There are 149 sworn officers and 123 took that survey. 82.55% response.

Of the 149 the chief, assistant chiefs and lieutenants were not allowed to take it. That is 11-12 people. Why were they not allowed to take it? Because it is a management survey, they are management, it was about them.

So now you have 137 available officers to take the survey, of those 123 completed it. 89.78% response.

Only 14 did not take the survey. When conducting a survey you want as many people to take it as possible to get an accurate outcome. 123 out of 137 is considered a good return. I would agree about the integrity of the survey if only 60 people took it. However you have 89.78% of the department that took this survey. And if you want to get picky and say that management should have been able to take it that is still 82.55% of the department completed the survey. Had those 14 taken the survey I bet the results would still be the exact same.

123 aka 90% of the department say something is wrong with management, and on a big scale. And yet people outside of those walls want to argue with them. Citizens need to listen to their officers here.

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