Amid Election Turmoil, San Angelo Police Chief Tim Vasquez Calls for Press Conference


Amid internal conflicts inside the San Angelo Police Department caused by the police chief election, San Angelo Police Chief Tim Vasquez has called for a press conference for Friday morning. The conference will begin at 10 a.m., on May 27, in the City Hall lobby, 74 W. College Ave.

In Vasquez’s announcement, he reveals only that “important information regarding the upcoming July 2nd Runoff Election will be made public.” He and his campaign are tight-lipped about the reason for the press conference. However, speculation is the announcement might have something to do with the recently published survey of the police department personnel conducted by the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT).

The survey was panned by Vasquez as being politically-motivated because of its timing during the middle of a contentious police chief election and the survey’s methodology. It used the internet survey tool, Survey Monkey, which Vasquez said was easily manipulated.

CLEAT did not deny the timing of the survey, but argued that the survey was indeed legitimate.

Despite this claim, some in the police department have expressed their dismay at how CLEAT handled the survey. Sgt. Cade Solsbery, the president of the local CLEAT chapter in San Angelo named the San Angelo Coalition of Police (SACOP), resigned earlier this month unexpectedly. He would not explain why on or off the record.

Others inside the department, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that the local CLEAT chapter’s members desired to remain neutral in the police chief election but that Austin’s CLEAT officials forced SACOP out of its neutral role with the survey.

According to CLEAT’s statement of the survey’s methodology, SACOP asked CLEAT to aid in determining levels of job satisfaction at SAPD.

The resignation points to that not being the case.

“There was no vote of the local membership on whether or not to conduct that survey during the middle of the election campaign,” a source said.

When contacted about his resignation, Solsbery said he didn’t want to comment or get into the middle of the heated police chief election campaigns.

CLEAT and Vasquez have been at odds since Vasquez resigned from the organization in 2004, right after he won his first election for police chief. CLEAT has endorsed his opponents every election since.

Vasquez previously has mentioned that CLEAT represents officers up for disciplinary action. Vasquez said he has never lost a termination hearing to CLEAT, and that has the union “fit to be tied” in attempting to remove him. Vasquez is the only elected police chief in Texas, and is also the president of the Texas Police Chiefs Association.

In this year’s election, challenger Frank Carter, who joined CLEAT two months prior to the May 7 Election Day, obtained the police union’s endorsement and quickly rose in the polls.

Carter, however, said, “My endorsement from CLEAT has nothing to do with that survey. I would suggest you contact the CLEAT president (in Austin) Doug Thomas,” Carter said.

In the May 7 election, Vasquez narrowly lost in a crowded field of four total candidates. Carter, who serves as a Lieutenant under Vasquez’s command, won that election with 3,073 or 33.62 percent of the vote. Vasquez placed a close second with 2,865 or 31.35 percent.

Because neither of the candidates earned 50 percent plus one vote, a runoff election is mandated and scheduled for July 2.

Other people have speculated that Vasquez will press Carter on holding a debate before early voting begins June 20. San Angelo LIVE! and Townsquare Media, as well as local TV station KLST, have attempted to schedule two candidate forums, but Carter said he will not debate.

“I told your reporter the same thing I told KLST,” Carter said about his refusal to participate in a candidate forum or debate held by anyone.

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I see San Angelo Live is no longer posting my rants. I see that Tim is calling a press conference to dispute information made public. I can imagine why he would be nervous. The information that is being made public doesn't match with his grandiose self image he creates for himself. I simply want the citizens of San Angelo to know the facts pertains to my daughter's murder. The trash that killed her has an extensive police record. He was on probation for a drive by shooting he engaged in April 2013. He was charged with two other assault with deadly weapons charge, which I thought revoked your probation. He then broke into a house belonging to another nurse and stole the guns he used to kill my baby. I believe we are up to three times my daughter's protect on was disregarded. Tim Vasquez and David Jones were both made aware of the robberies and chose to ignore that information. Now, to the night of the murder. Johnny Garcia was detained by the police while driving under the influence and stolen guns in his car and released. None of this information was reported to the public. I have been unable to access the article from the Standard Times regarding my case. Tim knows all about tampering with elections. But when your own men want new leadership, now that's all the information I need to know. He still denied the need for more officers on the street or that crime is on the rise. PLEASE San Angelo, let's not let this 20 year old, with several assault charges, including the current ones, where innocent people were hurt as well, kill the mother of his child and the child. Call the courthouse, DA, SAPD and anyone else to demand we are served and protected. When your own men demand newleadership, that's my cue to educate myself on all the candidates. Tim continues to deny that we need more officers on the street or that crime is rising.

Ms. Freeman I understand that you lost your daughter. I think all of San Angelo is aware of this by now. At least all the people that read San Angelo live articles. I understand your upset and you have every right to be. Only problem that I see is that you keep blaming the wrong people and now your blaming The Sheriff. I'm sure We are all sorry for your loss, I know I am, but what you fail to realize is that your daughter was not in good company when the crime was committed. I know you are searching for answers and want to know why. I can tell you that the Chief or the Sheriff are not to blame. The police officers are not to blame. If you want to blame someone, blame the court system!! The prosecutors and the judges that are responsible for setting the bail amounts, the ones responsible for keeping the criminals behind bars, the ones that are suppose to revoke the probations. The last time I checked, those are the ones at fault. Do your homework and find out who is responsible. It's no different then you treating a patient and that person dies on your watch. Are you the one to blame, knowing you can't do anything about saving them and your just following the Dr.'s orders? How would you like it if that family member attacked you for letting their love one die. Who is the person to blame? Are you going to blame the hospital administrator? Who is to blame if you know that that patient needs the treatment but because your not the Dr. you just do your best. It's no different for the Chief and his officers. They work hard to keep us safe and bust their butts to arrest the bad guys and believe me when I tell you. It is disheartening when you arrest a bad guy and you know they are bad people, just to have the Judge and Prosecutors cut a deal with that guys attorney to allow him out of jail. That has nothing to do with the Chief or his staff. If you still believe it is well then you should know that crap rolls down hill and it starts with the Lt's for not setting a good example for his subordinates. They are the first line supervisors. They are like your head nurse of your shift at the hospital. Has nothing to do with the head nurse of the hospital that most nurses probably don't see. To everyone else, another debate needs to happen and if y'all have an issue with the Chief being elected, then y'all quit your damn crying because everyone had a chance to change that to an appointed position. Over 100,000 people in this town and less then 7,000 people went out and voted. That's a shame.

I agree with your point on the justice system being extremely flawed- but she has every right to be equally frustrated with the police. She reported the break-ins, and they were not adequately looked at. Burglary, in this town, happens constantly, and that's an issue. It's an issue that a large amount of these robberies go unconvincted. Questioning the company her child was in when she was murdered is disrespectful to say the least. She has a valid reason to be very disheartened with the police as well as the justice system- and she is definitely not alone in that.

The company you keep is relevant, but, unless you're chillin' with a convicted murderer, I would hardly say that's a factor in her demise.

I probably would have agreed with the entirety of your statement if it wasn't dripping in self- righteous condescension, with the added statement that basically, "She had it comin'". Please. Come back to earth with the rest of us.

Thank you for standing up for my aunt and our family. The comment made about the company she was with is so far out of line. If I could cuss her I would. My baby cousin was certainly in the wrong place at the wrong time. She did not know the other murdered victim or the ones who killed her. My cousin called me to come get her that night because she didnt want to be where she was. She wanted to be home with me and her grandparents. However not for anyone's business I was restricted to bed rest do to pregnancy and was unable to go and get her. I was the one who took the call 4 hours before it happened. Tabitha wanted to be home with me. I feel very disrespected by Jessie for the ignorant comments she has made. The guys that murdered them should of never been on the street in the first place after his first arrest for gun charges. Would you like to know what Tims response to my aunt was when that question was asked? Well if I can't get to the judges before they are arraigned I can't do anything to stop it. This is why the laws need to change. This is why when repeat offenders go into the system on what ever charge their whole past records need to be show not just the new offense their in court for. Not only does the whole police department, the judges, and the DA have my cousin blood on their hands just as much as the murders. Because the city's police judges and DAs are supposed to protect and serve the community and they are seriously lacking in both areas of keeping our once used to be wonderful town wonderful. That now has gone to poop because of the lack of people doing their jobs and keep drugs gangs and crime off the street. So no Jessie my aunts anger is directed to the correct place it should be.

How can Mr Carter expect to be considered a serious candidate if he refuses to debate the issues? This office you seek is an elected one, the voters deserve to hear you out on various topics regarding this city. You have no chance for my vote as long as I don't know your stance on the issues, because you remain mute on the voters concerns, Chief Vasquez will get my vote.

Please see the pic above. I can't wait to hear what Mr. Vasquez has to say with his free air time tomorrow in his push for re-election. There has been plenty of innuendo coming from him about how Survey Monkey can be easily manipulated, yet several state and federal government agencies and 100% of the Fortune 100 companies RELY on Survey Monkey for valid data results. Tim just doesn't like the results of this survey, so they get fed to the shredder. Does that sound like a responsive leader? He got 2nd place in the election he should have had no problem in securing in a landslide if he were doing his job effectively. What does that tell you about job satisfaction of the people who report to him?!! What does that tell you about what the satisfaction of the community that he serves?! People are tired of being told one thing one minute (EVERYTHING'S GREAT! CRIME IS DOWN!!) and then being told the flip opposite the next (WE NEED MORE OFFICERS TO DO OUR JOBS!!). Everyone realizes we need more officers, but I think everyone also realizes that something is VERY wrong at the top of the heap. Change is LONG overdue. Mr. Carter has the endorsement of his colleagues and many other area leaders worthy of respect. He got my first vote; he'll get my next.

Simply put Mr. Wright, Frank Carter has been busier with visiting with his citizens that he has vowed to serve. He wants to hear what the citizens feel is needed in order to be a dedicated, competent Chief of Police. He has been the only candidate to present a plan of where to get the financing for more officers on the street. Tim continues to deny that we need more officers, or that crime is increasing in San Angelo. Sgt. Carter presented this plan during a debate. Tim feels necessary to make excuses for his actions. His own men don't support him. Instead of him standing up like not only a chief, but as a fellow officer and citizen to listen to his officers and the citizens. Frank has no reason to continue to waste time continually debating the issues. He HAS already done that as well as presenting an educated plan of correction. Perhaps you should go back and review the debates so that you will know his stance on the issues. Simply put, Sgt Carter has presented a plan of correction based on his experience and talking to the citizens of San Angelo. Tim, however has continues to deny increased crime rates or the need for more officers on the streets serving and protecting the citizens. I find it interesting that since the surveys and elections aren't in his favor, even with his own men, that he now feels necessary to cry tampering with the results. I am sure he knows all the ways to tamper with election results and his own men's surveys. I put faith in the guys that work with him day in and day out, rather than someone like you, who didn't even pay attention to the debates. Any further questions sir?

The good thing is that each voter can chose the cantidate they want to support, and use whatever logic and reasoning to make their own choice. May the best man win....Go Chief Vasquez!

Mr. Wright- That is a true statement. He is the ONLY elected Chief of Police in Texas. All cities appoint their Chief. People in this town don't have a right to complain about any elected officials because they don't get out and vote. To have less then 7% of the city go out and vote is sad.

Sorry Bryan but you need to inform yourself on Timmy. He has an extensive bad history and some very dark secrets. I will help you get informed for free as we get closer to the election and people fall off the Monkey Bandwagon, so to speak.

Mr Davis, I do respect you as an officer, and that you have put yourself out there for this position, but maybe your history or inability to get enough uninformed voters led to your defeat. Whatever the case, I will continue to browse this website to voice my opinion as I see fit. Reelect Tim Vasquez!

Obviously your letting your anger get the best of you and your knowledge of what is the truth. First of all It's Lt. Frank Carter. Your comments are false. The Chief would love to hire more officers. We are full with the allotted slots, so the city council has to rsise the number of officers the PD can have. The Chief can only ask them for a higher budget to be able to pay for them. If the city shoots him down then it's not going to happen. So for you to say that Chief Vasquez doesn't want more officers is a false statement. Re-Elect Chief Vasquez!!!

I ran for Chief three times. I have a spotless career in law enforcement. When I ran, I did not ask for endorsements from anyone and refused all offers from some pretty prominent people. I did so because I did not want any retribution placed on anyone by the current administration. The current administration is notorious for that. I also had retired in 2007 to run for Chief so I could not be affected by those tactics. Carter is going through a lot by being on the force and having to deal with the tactics of the Vasquez administration. Carter will be a fair chief and he has my support and my supporter's as well. Stay tuned in for more info. as the election nears.

Mr. Fitchett, do you have any personal experience in law enforcement? Once again I will attempt to make my point in a simpler manner so that it might possibly be understood. Then trash that killed my daughter, raped the 4 year old baby girl and her 4 year old sister, who is now on probation because the minute he stepped in the courtroom he rehabilitated and showed so much remorse, and killed a 15 year old boy for walking down the street should have never made bail. I'm angry yes, but at the system as a whole. Do you know what happens to that pedophile when he doesn't show up for his first probation meeting? Nothing. A warrant will be issued for his arrest. No one will go purposely to arrest him. As long as he doesn't get stopped on a traffic violation, he continues to ruin other lives. I certainly hope that you don't have children, stand in your front yard much less walk down the street or open your door when the bell rings. I have done my homework. A man in Country Club Estates answered his doorbell. It was a home invasion to which he was not only robbed, but beaten severely. It seems that guns are now the number one items stolen. Now, let me try this again. I'm disappointed and angry with the entire system. I was told by the person himself that reported the robbery of the guns used in my case was reported to our sheriff first, since the location they were stolen from was Spring Creek, and then Tim, with no action whatsoever. The police are our first line of defense. The bails bondsman are also to blame, because the attorneys and judges allow bail. I guess you either don't pay attention to the local news, or get out much. Our law officials socialize together. And I can assure you that in San Angelo, the officers, attorneys and judges are well aware of the repeat offenders records. In everything that I have read, Tim has denied needing more officers in the street, and refused to allot funding from his new police station to support that. I completely agree that a larger police station is needed, but King Tim could operate in a less grandiose station. Now, as for my profession, you are damn right if a patient died from my lack of education, common sense or by my lack of caring, I am the one to blame. I'm the first line of defense for my patients. Medical professional as well as law enforcement are human. In medicine, the CNA's, nurses, doctors, dieticians, therapists, patients and their families work as a team. If I am responsible for a patient, it is not just taking their vitals or giving medications. It's my constant observation and assessments that I report to the doctors so that we can care for that patient effectively, to keep the patient alive and as healthy as they allow themselves to be. Now, as for my daughter, you are right. She was very aware of not being in a good situation and had called family and friends to come get her. So, NEVER SPEAK OF MY CHILD AGAIN. I certainly hope that my point of THE ENTIRE LEGAL SYSTEMS failures are made aware of. My first step is to vote out incompetent bed fellows, so that I have a team member willing to work with me on correcting the failures and possibly save lives. Oh, and by the way, I'm extremely uncomfortable with your fixationon my daughter and not a safer, family friendly city for ourselves and especially for our children. I hope I didn't burst the bubble in which you reside. When your own coworkers and employees that work under and with you say that change is needed, that might be a clue to listen.

Based on your rather lengthy comments, your blame is misplaced. Basic knowledge of the legal system would explain it for you. The police force is a single component of the legal system, that serves in many roles resulting in enforcing the law. Yes, among other things they are responsible for initial arrests and placing perpetrators into custody for the legal system to determine their fate, where their role effectively ends... and that's where you are having problems understanding where the blame for the loss of your daughter belongs. How about first and foremost, blame the killer? Next, consider sharing some of the blame onto the lawyers - those who argued in his favor to be released were apparently more convincing than those who were supposed to be not in favor, leading those who passed judgment to grant his release.

Bottom line: the police did their job(s)... the legal system failed and released a dangerous individual back into society to commit more crimes. Using your logic, it's the Animal Control Officer ("dog catcher") Supervisor's fault if the pound turns a dangerous animal loose and it winds up back on the streets.

From my perspective as a citizen, Chief Vasquez has done a good job running the SAPD. We've heard none of the similar stories of upper-level corruption as have been circulated about City Council... until election season came around, that is (which we all know is simply mud-slinging campaign tactics). I don't know Frank Carter, and who knows - he might do a great job... but 12 years of the SAPD doing a fine job under the Chief's direction speaks volumes, compared to the big unknown of some guy running against his incumbent boss who seems to be surrounded with some of those very similar election season mud-slinging campaign tactics we've all had our fill of from the presidential race. Refusing to debate tells me the rest of everything I need to know.

Mr. Hansen you definitely explained it in a easier way to allow people who have no idea how the system works to better understand. Ms. Freeman you are so confused in so many ways. As a matter of fact I do have a lot LE expierence. So I do understand the broken system we have here in San Angelo, but like I've stated time and time again. It's not the Chiefs or the Sheriffs fault or any of their officers or deputies. It's not their fault that the POS responsible for all those crimes was aloud to get out and repeat several crimes. Like Mr. Hansen said, you should be mad at the person that committed the crimes. Maybe even the DA's office or the Attorney that helped him get out along with the Judge for setting such a low bond on a POS like that. Trust me when I say that ALL LE personnel feel your pain but attacking the Chief is the last person you should attack. You seeking to rid the Chief who has really done an outstanding job makes no sense. Especially when you want someone from the same system who has been placed in the position he is in for following guidelines the current Chief has set out. If you really want change then you should have voted on getting a Chief that can be appointed but I'm sure you didn't vote in that ballot. Nothing is broken in the PD. Only thing that is going on is insubordination. You don't run against your boss. You bite your tongue and wait your turn. Period!! Lack of character and loyalty on both Lt. Carter and Lt. Hernandez for even considering such. Good luck on your efforts on changing the ways of the San Angelo legal system. When you accomplish what you set out to do let me know how you do it because there's years and years of wrong that have been going on. Just like Mrs. Tankersley should have gotten more then 2 years probation for driving drunk and killing my sons best friend.

Character, loyalty, and integrity is required to stand up in the face of people like yourself instead of turning a blind eye to things that shouldn't be happening. The election is the most effective method of relieving someone of duty who has had over a decade to prove what kind of leader they chose to be. Instead of leading with dignity and poise, Vasquez attempts to manipulate, deceive and bully. San Angelo deserves better, and that is where the loyalty Frank Carter has. It's where Tim Vasquez should have had his loyalty all along instead of his own personal interests.

I thought insubordination was blantantly diregarding orders. Not just a personal preference. 1. SAPS stopped the trash, and if you have followed my story, then you would see the anger I have towards it. 2. He was on probation for a drive by shooting. 3. He had stolen guns in the car. 4. He was driving under the influence. 5. He was stopped that night by the SAPD. 6. IT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IF THE OFFICER HAD ARRESTED HIM. As far as Tim is concerned, either you don't socialize much, because appear very ignorant in regards to his job performance. The whole world can't be wrong, while the few disillusioned friends are right.

I wonder what kind of retaliation must be in store for someone who refuses to continue to debate the supervisor he already defeated. I wouldn't continue to debate Mr. Vasquez either. He's had the past 12 years to show San Angelo what he's capable of, and they've spoken with enough disapproval so far. Game over.

Continue to take the high road Frank. People will see through all the smoke and mirrors before election time. Never falter and never fail!

How could it be considered Mudslinging if it is true? Guess we went to different schools together? All I can tell you at this point is do your homework on our current Chief. That's all folks!

If the Chief's been doing such a bad job of running the SAPD all this time, and the timing of election season is picked to air all the [alleged] dirty laundry of the SAPD for the purpose of illustrating that he's been doing such a crappy job, that [to me] reeks of mud-slinging campaign tactics, truth or otherwise. I guess I can count my blessings that I did in fact go to different schools (not anywhere close to West Texas, BTW).

"Professional courtesy" Jeff Davis, what are your thoughts? Is anyone above the law, Jeff Davis? You have never called someone to come drive someone else home? You have never let someone you knew "slide", or given anyone a "friendly break"? Quick question, why do you think you were unsuccessful in your bids for the Chief of Police?

I was just waiting for someone like you to say something stupid. Yes, I have given many breaks to people in my career. Thats called discretion which most police officers are not allowed to have these days, and surely not at this police dept. I do not hide beneath a anonymous name. Mine I can remember along with a lot of other things. If you will come out and tell me your name, I can probably tell you more about you, than you know. And yes, my career in Law Enforcement is untarnished. As far as me not winning the elections, all I can tell you is, there are more of you that don't know a thing, than those that do. Keep it coming!

"I was just waiting for someone like you to say something stupid." In addition to "mud-slinging," you should also consider looking up the word, "irony."

Given the context of the rebuttal, and these words specifically, "I do not hide beneath a anonymous name. Mine I can remember along with a lot of other things. If you will come out and tell me your name, I can probably tell you more about you, than you know." In this day and age, one might consider that a threat of retaliation. I guess it's a good thing your platform included being openly against tolerating such things. However, I'm pretty sure that 'arguing with people making comments on social media' is probably not a quality the public considers to be a 'bonus' in a Police Chief.

Have a nice day, Mr. Davis, and seriously: thank you for your service.

Spoken like a true politician, "it's not me, it's stupid voters". Jim Talbot, btw. No run in's with the law here, so anything you might find on me from your "connections", will be nothing more than a clear driving record, and no warrants. But it's good to know that you think some citizens are above the law, just in case you feel like another run. Your turn, how about that info you have on the Chief of Police, or Timmy as known to you. Brang it boy.

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