Variety of Drugs Leads to Arrests Monday


Drugs of a less common variety landed four individuals in jail on Monday, each charged with possession of varying quantities ranging from less than a gram up to 28.

A mix of hallucinogens, speed and prescription drugs and others fall into the state's second and third penalty groups for possession charges, charges that are somewhat less common in the county as the majority of those busted are caught carrying meth, heroin or cocaine, which are listed in the first penalty group.

On Monday, however, the four inmates booked into the county jail for possession showed a two-two split between penalty groups two and three, which could include substances such as MDMA, codeine or certain anabolic steroids.

Another individual was jailed on his third DWI; while the remainder were booked for warrants.

A total of 27 inmates were booked on Monday; 33 inmates were released

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