Road Closures Begin Today Across San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX – Multiple road closures are now in effect across San Angelo as maintenance and reconstruction projects get underway.

The Texas Department of Transportation has closed the westbound on-ramp to Loop 306 from Glenna Street to the off-ramp at Jim Bass Ford. The closure, which began at 9 a.m. today, will remain in place until 4 p.m. for maintenance work. Drivers should follow detour signs and expect delays.

In addition, the City of San Angelo has implemented two long-term road closures. The 2200 block of Childress Street, from Glenna to Field streets, is closed through March 18 for reconstruction at the Glenna-Childress intersection.

Howard Street, from Freeland Avenue to Pecos Street, is also closed starting today and will remain shut through late March. No through traffic is allowed on Guadalupe, San Antonio, or Rio Grande streets, nor on any alleys in between.

This marks the final phase of pavement work for the project. Businesses in the affected area will remain open, with access maintained.

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