The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Hosts Free Family Day in March


SAN ANGELO, TX - The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts will host a Free Family Day on Saturday, March 15, 2025.

Throughout the day, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the museum will offer free admission, including entry into the galleries to view the Where Children Sleep exhibition and the Plein Air Landscape exhibition.

The Education Studio will host fine art activities from 10 a.m. to  2 p.m., including Roman Empire: The Ides of March and St. Patrick’s Day-themed activities such as construction paper mosaic tile, laurel crowns, and clovers.

Toddler activities will also be available, including coloring and blocks and a four-leaf clover hunt. Color-Your-Own Art, Story Time, and a free children’s book giveaway will be presented in the Grand Hall at 11 a.m. and again at 1 p.m. with books generously provided by the San Angelo Adult Literacy Council and anonymous donors. Light refreshments will be available while supplies last.

Free admission to the galleries is included.

The new exhibition, Where Children Sleep: Photographs by James Mollison, is visually stunning and revealing, featuring portrait photos of 26 individual children and their “bedrooms”, which can range from elaborate sanctuaries to the barest spaces set aside for sleep.

The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. Free Family Day is sponsored by City National Bank. Where Children Sleep is organized by Curatorial Assistance Traveling Exhibitions and generously sponsored by Susan and Mort Mertz.

For more information about SAMFA, go to

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