Fort Stockton ISD Bans Individual Over Racist Video


FORT STOCKTON, TX — The Fort Stockton Independent School District has issued a permanent ban against an individual for posting a social media video containing racist undertones, the district announced Thursday.

The video, featuring the FSISD varsity girls’ basketball team during a district game against Midland Greenwood, included a voiceover with racist content, according to a statement from the district. FSISD leadership was made aware of the post on the evening of Feb. 5.

As a result, the person responsible has been banned from all FSISD facilities, events, and activities for at least one year, effective immediately. The district stated that the ban could be extended indefinitely depending on the individual’s future actions and behavior.

After one year, the banned individual may submit a formal letter requesting a review of the decision. Any reinstatement will require a demonstration of remorse and a commitment to fostering a respectful and inclusive environment, FSISD officials said.

District leaders urged the school community to refrain from retaliation against the individual. 

"While we value and uphold the right to freedom of speech in our country, it is important to recognize that there are consequences when speech or actions contribute to harm or division within our community," information from the school district stated. "We understand that this situation may elicit strong emotions, but we ask that the members of our school community refrain from engaging in any form of retaliation toward the individual involved. Their identity will remain confidential, and it is our hope that we can address this issue with respect and integrity." 

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