Shelter Dogs Shot and Killed in Big Lake Causes Concern in Community


BIG LAKE, TX— A controversy involving the inhumane shooting and killing of dogs in Big Lake has raised concerns among citizens.

This morning, Feb. 5, 2025, it was brought to San Angelo LIVE!’s attention that citizens of Big Lake, Texas are in a fury regarding the animal shelter and the alleged mishandling of an unknown number of dogs.

On Jan. 14, an anonymous tip was sent to law enforcement in which the individual requested to speak with an officer regarding shelter animals being shot and killed. According to one of the concerned individuals, the animals were set to be euthanized that day, but Montana’s Pack Rescue had reached out to save the dogs.

When the individual who was going to transport the dogs went to gather information regarding the animals, the transporter was informed that the dogs had been killed. There also was not a veterinarian present when this occurred.

According to the Texas Department of State and Health Services Health and Safety Code Chapter 821, animals in the animal shelter set to be euthanized must be injected with sodium pentobarbital. That procedure can be done by either a veterinarian or someone who is trained for the proper procedure.

San Angelo LIVE! reached out to Sherry Benson, the Big Lake City Administrator, to ask for a statement regarding the situation. Benson said to email a list of questions pertaining to the incident and she, along with Big Lake Mayor David Melms, and an attorney would return answers.

The questions asked are as follows:

  • "What is the normal protocol for euthanizing animals at the animal shelter?"
  • "It was confirmed by someone with knowledge of the situation that dogs were shot and killed. It is my understanding that someone was willing and was going to transport these animals. Was it a misunderstanding by an individual?"​​​​​​​
  • "In a city council meeting, it seems like this situation has happened in the past due to the comment made about dumping the animals and letting nature run its course. How many times has this happened?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • "Were these specific animals that were shot and killed sick or injured?"​​​​​​​
  • "What is your statement regarding this situation?"​​​​​​​

It was confirmed to San Angelo LIVE! by an individual with knowledge of the situation that the dogs had been shot and killed.

This also might not have been the first time something like this has happened. Citizens want this brought to light to ensure this situation does not happen again.

A comment in the most recent city council meeting has caused concern, where a woman stated that animals have either “passed on their own or they’ve been taken to the landfill to let them die on their own."

The remark is made at about the 5:35 mark in the video below. (NOTE: This is a 15-minute segment of the meeting, not the entire meeting.)

According to the Reagan County Sheriff’s Office, the case has been turned over to the Texas Rangers, who will present the case to a grand jury to determine if criminal charges should be pursued.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

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