Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office Warns of Jury Fee Scam


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents about a scam in which callers impersonate law enforcement officials and demand thousands of dollars in jury fees.

According to the sheriff’s office, scammers have been contacting citizens through calls or voicemails, claiming to be from the agency and stating they need to speak with them. Those who return the calls are told they owe large sums of money.

The sheriff's office stated that the scammers use various tactics to appear legitimate, including providing badge numbers, using names of actual law enforcement officers, and spoofing phone numbers to make it seem as if the call is coming from a government agency.

The sheriff’s office stated that it does not solicit funds or payments over the phone. Authorities advise residents to hang up immediately and block the caller’s number if they receive such a call. They also warn against sharing any personal information.

Anyone who has been targeted or fallen victim to the scam is urged to contact the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office at 325-655-8111.

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