Gov. Abbott Requests Disaster Declaration After Water Issues in Laredo


AUSTIN, TX — Gov. Greg Abbott announced Monday that he requested a disaster declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration for Webb County following prolonged boil water notices caused by a water connection issue in Laredo in October.

“Since last October when Laredo was impacted by prolonged boil water notices, Texas continues working with local officials to ensure there are no unmet needs for Texans in Webb County and the surrounding area,” said Abbott. “To help our fellow Texans in South Texas, I issued a disaster declaration in October to surge all available resources to the impacted border communities, including more than 60 truckloads of bottled water. 

"We must do more to provide support to Texas businesses still working to recover. That is why I requested a disaster declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration to ensure Texans in Webb County have access to low-interest loans to help their business financially move forward.”

A survey of affected business determined that a qualifying number of small businesses in Webb County suffered substantial economic injury as a result of the disaster and need financial assistance not otherwise available on reasonable terms.

If the state’s request is approved, the SBA would provide low-interest loans through its disaster programs to qualifying small businesses who were affected by the water supply situation.

Abbott issued a disaster declaration in October after E. coli was identified in Laredo’s water system. During the disaster, Texas delivered more than 60 truckloads of bottled drinking water and deployed the Texas A&M Public Works Response Team to assist local officials with service restoration.

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