Former San Antonio Police Officer Accused in Feces Sandwich Incident Back in Uniform


BENAVIDES, TX — A former San Antonio police officer accused in two incidents involving feces has been given another chance at a small-town police force in South Texas.

Matthew Luckhurst, who was suspended from the San Antonio Police Department in 2016 after accusations he put feces in a homeless person’s sandwich, is now working for the Benavides Police Department.

The town of about 1,200 is roughly between Laredo and Kingsville.

Luckhurst was also accused of wiping feces-like substances on a toilet in a female restroom at bike patrol in 2016.

Luckhurst has reportedly maintained the allegations are untrue.

In 2020, he was hired by the Floresville Police Department but was released from the force over the accusations after about two years.

Luckhurst has been working in Benavides since 2023.

According to KENS 5 in San Antonio, the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement is looking into the hiring procedures of the Benavides Police Department to ensure he was reinstated properly.

Benavides Police Chief Andre Hines released the following statement:

“The hiring of Officer Mathew Luckhurst by the Benavides Police Department highlights the department’s commitment to offering individuals a second chance to demonstrate their dedication to public service. Despite past allegations, Officer Luckhurst’s record since joining the department in April 2023, has been exemplary, with no complaints or issues reported. A thorough background check was conducted before he was sworn in as a peace officer, ensuring that all aspects of his history were carefully considered.

“Officer Luckhurst has consistently maintained that the allegations made against him during his time with the San Antonio Police Department — specifically the incident involving a homeless man — are untrue. An arbitrator ruled in favor of reinstating his employment.”

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