SAPD Offers Burglary and Theft Tips for San Angelo Residents


Crimes of theft and burglary are crimes of opportunity, and the San Angelo Police Department wants to remind residents to keep their doors locked and valuables secured. Public Information Officer Sgt. Cade Solsbery said that by simply locking the doors and windows of a vehicle, or at a residence, people can drastically reduce the chance of becoming a victim of these crimes.

Solsbery stated that recently a resident in the Santa Rita area passed out a note to the surrounding neighborhoods and on Facebook alerting other residents to a recent incident involving a slim white male with a mustache and goatee driving in a white Chevrolet pickup with a grille guard. Apparently this male subject knocked on the front door of a resident’s home in the 2400 block of W. Avenue K. When he received no response, the subject drove around to the alley and tried entering the yard through the back gate. Luckily, the resident of the house confronted the man before he could succeed in entering the back yard. When confronted, the man stated he was looking for work, and quickly left the residence before police arrived.

These are the types of incidents Solsbery suggested to be on the lookout for. If someone is acting suspicious, SAPD said people should not hesitate to call the non-emergency phone number for Police Dispatch at (325)657-4315 to report the activity.

“This information can potentially lead to suspects being identified and cases being solved,” Solsbery said.


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