San Angelo ISD to Consider 2025-26 District Calendar


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees will review and decide on the 2025-2026 district calendar at its regular meeting on Dec. 16 at 5:45 p.m. 

Two calendar options, labeled Option A and Option B, are under consideration, both aligning with Angelo State University’s Spring Break and district schedules across the state.

You can find the calendars here. 

Other action items on the agenda include approving bills, accounts, and financial statements for November 2024, a quarterly investment report, and setting the district’s non-business days under the Public Information Act for 2025.

The board will also review bids for instructional materials, equipment for the child nutrition department, and WAN maintenance services. Recognitions will include the San Angelo READS! Community Partners and Shelly Huddleston, Chief of School Leadership.

The meeting will allow for public comments and conclude with announcements of future meetings.

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