City Council Approves Resolution for Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Task Force


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo City Council approved a resolution Tuesday for a Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Task Force.

The task force will focus on addressing drug-related crimes and improving regional collaboration between different law-enforcement agencies.

No additional funding is required, as existing staffing levels will support the initiative.

Craig Thomason, Assistant Police Chief for the San Angelo Police Department, explained the importance of the resolution at Tuesday’s meeting and how the task force will work.

“It’s going to allow our City Manager to go into talks and work on a MOU (memorandum of understanding) between our agency, the Sheriff’s Department and DPS to consolidate our resources to fight the narcotic epidemic in our city, so our work is not siloed,” Thomason said. 

“We’ll consolidate it, share intelligence and share resources to fight the problem. I feel it’s going to really benefit this community.”

There are no immediate details regarding the timeline for implementing the task force.

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